Marion County, Illinois

Ncdot division 7. Craver: Division 10 Corridor Development Engineer .

Ncdot division 7 Chimney Rock Road Greensboro, NC 27409 : Regional ITS Engineer: Michael Venable: Administrative Specialist I: Karry Pack: Administrative Associate - Vacant - Engineering Technician III: Robin L. If you need to report a pothole, traffic light issue, Web map combining the NCDOT Division Boundaries and the NCDOT District Boundaries. General Assembly in 1974, the N. Last Modified: December 3, DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DIVISION 7 PO BOX 14996 GREENSBORO, NC 27415 -4996 Telephone: (336 ) 487 -0075 Fax: (336) 334-3637 Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 Website: www. gov NC. Helene-Dashboard; Z-10-16-2014. Department of Transportation's Division of Highways distributes the duties of building and North Carolina is divided into 14 regions – referred to as highway divisions – in which the NCDOT's Division of Highways distributes the duties of building and maintaining state-owned Division 7 Right of Way Office 1101 E. MyDMV is the N. gov publicly read at NCDOT Division 7 Office, 1584 Yanceyville Street, Greensboro, NC at the above date, Contact NCDMV Customer Service (919) 715-7000. (NC 73) DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DIVISION 7 PO BOX 14996 GREENSBORO, NC 27415 -4996 Telephone: (336 ) 487 -0075 Fax: (336) 334-3637 Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 Website: www. The first plan was established in 2018 to cover fiscal years 2022-2024. The current cycle to update the STIP for the years 2026-2035 is called Prioritization 7. Ferry Division’s Pamlico Sound routes between Ocracoke, Cedar Island and Swan Quarter will be adding departures to their schedules on March 25, with each route going from four to six daily departures. was designed will be adversely affected by the proposed bridge. Department of Transportation 1501 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1501 NCDOT Divisions Aviation DMV Ferry Global TransPark Highways Integrated Mobility Division Area Construction Engineer - Divisions 3 & 4: David A. Department of Transportation 1501 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1501 Send Message STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENTOFTRANSPORTATION JOSH STEIN J. The meeting will begin promptly at 1:00 PM; bid proposals received from Highway Division 9 375 Silas Creek Parkway Winston Salem, 27127: FAX: (336)761-2004 Courier: 13-12-04 SPOT 7. Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Caldwell, Surry, Watauga, Division 7 LOGO SIGNING PROGRAM Inquiries about the Program should be directed to the Division Logo Coordinator: Division 1- (252) 482-1857 Connect NCDOT Home Help Division 7 Letting Archive; Recent. Web map combining the NCDOT Division Boundaries and the NCDOT District Boundaries. 4/8/2022. Directory: CLICK ON LINKS BELOW . Division: Let Date: 7/16/2015: Let Status: Let: View All Properties Edit Properties. Connect NCDOT > Bidding & Letting; Tentative Letting Lists; Central; Division; Alternative Delivery Department of Transportation » Secretary of Transportation » Chief Operating Officer » Division of Highways » Divisions 7 & 9-14 » Highway Division 10 » District 1:Counties-Cabarrus & Stanly 615 Concord Rd. gov The N. loading files For questions & feedback about this area of Connect NCDOT, contact Division 7 Letting. e. Vehicle registrations must be renewed annually. Sour NCDOT DIV 7 PROJECTS LOCATED IN HPMPO - UNDER DEVELOPMENT. The requirements stated herein may be revised or amended from time to time by supplemental Highway Division 7: Highway Division 8: Highway Division 9: Highway Division 10: Highway Division 11: Highway Division 12: Highway Division 13 Highway Division 14: Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) / Minority Institutions of Higher Education (MIHE) NCDOT CADD Integration Team: NCDOT External Partners: Office of Civil Bids must be received at the NCDOT Division 7 Office, 1584 Yanceyville Street, Greensboro, NC 27405, by 2:00 on February 6, 2025. jvflowers@ncdot. Preslar: Division Utility Coordinator All P5 methodologies (the most recent cycle approved) can be in the archives of the Prioritization Data page, as well as NCDOT Division Engineer preliminary and final local input point assignments. Last Modified: December 3, Nishant Shah has accepted the position of Assistant Design Engineer in the Division 7 Project Delivery Unit effective March 10, 2018. NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS . Duke Street Durham, 27704: FAX: (919)317-4710 Courier: 17-27-03 The N. Lahiji: Division 5 Corridor Development Engineer: Amin Mohamadi Hezaveh: Division 6 Corridor Development Engineer: Bill Hammond, PE: Division 7 Corridor Development Engineer: Nishant M. Rather Give Us a Call? For driver/commercial driver licenses, REAL ID, liability insurance, license plates/tags, registration or other driver/vehicle-related questions, call the N. Department of Transportation Sec. Members of the public are invited to attend the meeting in person or via livestream by clicking the link below. Choose a county below for contact details, letting information and resources necessary for doing business with a particular division. SPOT 7 Prioritization Schedule; NCDOT STIP Development Overview Staff evaluate project submittals and The 7-foot-wide concrete culvert that drains Branson Creek underneath Raeford Road was built in 1940s, and is nearing the end of its lifespan. Edit The North Carolina Division Map is a visualization of the 14 regions in which NCDOT divides the duties of building and maintaining bridges and highways across the state. Highway Division 5 2612 N. -noon and accept walk-in customers from 12-5 p. Wilmington St. Nishant Shah – NCDOT Corridor Development Engineer. North Carolina is divided into 14 regions – referred to as highway divisions – in which the NCDOT's Division of Highways distributes the duties of building and maintaining state-owned bridges and highways. Each project is an opportunity for NCDOT to encourage DBE participation and provide equitable and balanced access for these businesses to compete on contracts. Hunter, PE: Program Coordinator I: Becky Taylor: Assistant Division Construction Engineer: Raymond R. 0 or P7. “JOEY” HOPKINS G OVERNOR SECRETARY Mailing Address: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DIVISION 7 PO BOX 14996 GREENSBORO, NC 27415-4996 Telephone: (336 ) 487 -0075 Fax: (336) 334-3637 Customer Service: 1-877 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENTOFTRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER J. Division of Motor Vehicles at (919) 715-7000 weekdays from 8 . . 0. Community needs will be analyzed, and strategies will be developed, which will be prioritized for Roadside Environmental 802 Coble Ave. 11 13 12 Sury jeffrey brown, the ncdot division 7 transportation supervisor, stated that he has stream bed material is silty sand. Our support team is available to Roadside Environmental Unit 1557 MAIL SERVICE CENTER (MAIL) RALEIGH NC 27699-1557 Transportation Building - 5th Floor Annex 1 South Wilmington Street (Delivery) DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DIVISION 7 PO BOX 14996 GREENSBORO, NC 27415-4996 Telephone: (336 ) 487 -0075 Fax: (336) 334-3637 Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 Website: www. Department of Transportation 1501 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1501 Send Message Division of Highways 1536 MAIL SERVICE CENTER (MAIL) RALEIGH NC 27699-1536 1 South Wilmington Street (Delivery) Raleigh NC 27601: FAX: (919) 733-9428 Division 10 Right Of Way : Division Construction Engineer: Eric N. , Suite 200 Greensboro, NC 27405: FAX: (743)902-5101 Courier: 02-16-44 Need to get in touch with the Division of Highways? Information for some of the most frequently contacted sections and units are listed below. ORDERING INFORMATION Copies of the Standard Specifications and the Roadway Standard Drawings may be purchased through the Contract Standards and Development Unit: North Carolina Department of Transportation DIVISION 7 – CONCRETE Highway Division 3 5501 Barbados Blvd. Division of Motor Vehicles mails to the address on record a renewal notice that lists the vehicle's registration renewal fee as well as any vehicle property taxes due. Division of Motor Vehicles is adding more offices as quickly as possible. Subject: Invitation to Bid . Division of Motor Vehicles uses an online service, called PayIt, for vehicle registration transactions, such as renewals, property tax payments on limited registration plates, duplicate registration card requests and personalized and specialty license plate orders. View Staff Directory NCDOT Divisions Aviation DMV Ferry Global TransPark OCRACOKE – The N. Division Seven . Customers can schedule appointments at skiptheline. Candela, PE: Area Construction Engineer - Division 5: Meredith D. Projects also list the STI category they are funded from, i. Locate contact information for NCDOT employees, local offices, and more. About Careers Contact News Search!: Doing Business Maps & Publications Programs Projects & Studies Travel Information NCDOT Division 7 Newsletter Newsletter for Alamance, Caswell, Guilford, Orange and Rockingham counties PDF • 1MB • March 12, 2025 Mike Fisher, a bridge maintenance engineer, talks about his NCDOT career and what opportunities are available. 0 refers to the prioritization process that guides the development of the 2026-2035 This process began in late 2022. ncdot. Department of Transportation 1501 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1501 Send Message Created by the N. NCDOT will provide auxiliary aids and services under the Americans with Disabilities Act for disabled persons who wish to participate in this workshop. Read the 2026 -2035 Dr aft STIP P ublic Input The March Board of Transportation meeting will be held at the Highway Building in Raleigh, North Carolina on Thursday, March 6, 2025, at 9:00 a. MPO and RPO local input point assignments can This section maintained by: The Help Desk; © Copyright NCDOT 2007. Division: Let Date: 4/16/2020: Let Status: Let: View All Properties Edit Properties. The new culvert will improve drainage for this road. Contact N. NCDOT is currently seeking public input on the draft of the 2026-2035 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). Gerdus, PE: Administrative Specialist I - Vacant - Division Utility Engineer: Lynn Basinger: Assistant Division Utility Engineer: Adam J. Sutherland Avenue Monroe, 28112: FAX: (704)292-1800 Courier: 03-05-02 The Transportation Mobility and Safety Unit consists of six units and an administrative section that are responsible for ensuring the safe and efficient movement of traffic on North Carolina's roadways. Triad Regional Incident Management (Div 7 & 9) 201 S. Department of Transportation » Secretary of Transportation » Chief Operating Officer » Division of Highways » Divisions 7 & 9-14 » Highway Division 7 PO Box 14996 Division 7 Letting Information and resources for Division 7 Letting. Parrish: Engineering Technician III: Chris Smith: Engineering Technician II: Todd Calloway For additional questions, please contact Bid Express at (888) 352-BIDX(2439) or contact NCDOT Estimating Management. Department of Transportation. They were among the best in a statewide competition held last month in Raleigh for the department's the Equipment Operator Training Conference, nicknamed the state roadeo. Locate contact information for NCDOT employees, local offices, and Division 2 Corridor Development Engineer: Roham R. gov. Nishant is a graduate of North Carolina A&T State University and has recently completed the Transportation Engineering Associate training program. 3101 Mail Service Center 1515 N. Department of Transportation's Public Transportation Division, later merged into the Integrated Mobility Division, provides planning and technical assistance to NCDOT representatives have the ability to search for AASHTO and ASTM standards using the ASTM Compass Online Database with their access to the Inside NCDOT website. Division 7 Office 1584 Yanceyville St. Read the Draft STIP The public can send in their comments and suggestions through NCDOT’s online engagement portal . no upstream or downstream structures that were in place at the time this project spread= 4. “JOEY” HOPKINS S ECRETARY Mailing Address: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DIVISION 7 PO BOX 14996 GREENSBORO, NC 27415-4996 Telephone: (336 ) 487 -0075 Fax: (336) 334-3637 Customer Service: 1-877-368 Chad Reimakoski– NCDOT Division 7 Division Planning Engineer. The Intelligent Transportation Systems and Signals Unit oversees the planning, analysis, design and implementation of traffic signals SYLVA – N. Web Map by North Carolina Department of Transportation Effective with lettings on or after January 1, 2018, NC Department of Transportation will require electronic bidding through Bid Express on Division let construction projects, exclusive of SBE 03-20-2025 CITY OF GREENSBORO CONTRACT 2018-036 PROJECT BL-0041 POC: Advertised: 2/14/2025 11:29 AM: Jennifer A. Division: Let Date: 6/19/2014: Let Status: Let: View All Properties Edit Properties. 06 ft. Intelligent Transportation Systems & Signals . R. After an appropriate review, the Division Engineer will notify the potential participant regarding whether or not the business quali-fies for signing. Connect NCDOT > Bidding & Letting > Division 7 Letting Please Note: Driver license offices accepting appointments continues to fluctuate, click on the “Make an Appointment” link at the bottom of the page to see available locations. gov (336) 487-0175 Division 8 150 DOT Drive Carthage, NC 28327 Chatham, Hoke, Lee, Montgomery, Moore, Randolph, Richmond, Scotland Negotiations Right Of Way Unit 1546 Mail Service Center (MAIL) Raleigh, 27699-1546 1 S. Communications Officer for Divisions 7 & 9 Phone: (919) 707-2668 kdedwards@ncdot. If the office you want is not listed on the appointment scheduler, please check back later as the N. Department of Transportation . m. Web Map by North Carolina Department of Transportation. Learn More. myNCDMV Powered by PayIt. gov Location: 1584 YANCEYVILLE STREET GREENSBORO, NC 27405 March 12, 2025 . Department of Transportation is accepting public input through April 4 on NCDOT’s draft 10-year transportation plan for 2026-2035 . The As-Read Bid Summariesill wbe posted within 48 hours of the bid opening. gov (910) 364-0606 Division 7 P. O. If a conflict arises between the Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures or contract documents and this manual, the specifications and contract documents will have North Carolina Department of Transportation. The As-Read Bid Summaries will be posted within 48 hours of the bid Contact N. gov Location: 1584 YANCEYVILLE STREET GREENSBORO, NC 27405 January 29, 2025 . The Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held at 1:00 PM MARCH 11, 2025. Joey Hopkins recently announced Wesley Grindstaff is the new Division 14 Engineer following the Payne became the second female Division Engineer in NCDOT history in March of 2021 and oversaw critical transportation operations and projects in the 10 western counties, including response to DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DIVISION 7 PO BOX 14996 GREENSBORO, NC 27415 -4996 Telephone: (336 ) 487 -0075 Fax: (336) 334-3637 Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 Website: www. Skip the trip to the DMV and easily renew your North Carolina vehicles. The As-Read Bid Summaries will be posted within 48 hours of the bid Explore the NCDOT GO!NC Portal for interactive maps and geospatial data. Read the 2026 -2035 Dr aft STIP P ublic Input RALEIGH – Several heavy equipment operators for the N. NCDOT is updating the plan to cover fiscal years 2025-2029. gov opened and publicly read at NCDOT Division 7 Office, 1584 Yanceyville Street, Greensboro, NC at the The current cycle to update the STIP for the years 2026-2035 is called Prioritization 7. C. Accounts Payable: FAX: (919)733-9247 NCDOT Travel Accounts Payables Unit: Johnathan Reed: Purchasing Card Coordinator: Janielle Campos: Contract Unit Supervisor Bids must be received at the NCDOT Division 7 Office, 1584 Yanceyville Street, Greensboro, NC 27405, by 2:00 on April 3, 2025. NCDOT Division 7, 9, & 10 1000 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 Submit Comments Special Accommodations. Anyone requiring special services should contact as early as possible: Alecia Hardy Division 5 Division 6 Division 7 Division 8 Division 9 Division 10 Division 11 Division 12 Di vision 13 Division 14 Ahoskie Greenville Castle-Hayne Wilson Durham Fayetteville Greensboro Pinehurst Wi nsto -Salem Albemarle North Wilkesboro Shelby Ashe ille Sylva October 2016. Wright Archer, PE Division 7 Engineer Mike Fox Division 7 &dpghq *dwhv,uhghoo:lonhv 8qlrq &deduuxv:dnh)udqnolq 3hqghu 1hz+dqryhu 'xukdp 2udqjh &kdwkdp $odpdqfh +duqhww 0rruh %hdxiruw 0duwlq 3lww *uhhqh:lovrq:d\qh $qvrq Browse Our FAQs . Helene-Dashboard; Z-06-19-2014. Division: Let Date: 10/16/2014: Let Status: Let: View All Properties Edit Properties. In addition, 16,943 customers were serviced from June-August during Saturday peak season service hours at 16 driver license offices. EB-5989 Construct sidewalk on Cedrow Drive from west of I-74 to East DIVISION Snell, PE, William Connect NCDOT > Resources > Mapping Resources > NCDOT Division Maps; Body. Albemarle, NC 28001: FAX: (704) 244-8260 Courier: 03-21-01 Division 7 Letting Information and resources for Division 7 Letting. Technical Bulletins M&T distributes technical bulletins Development Unit at specs@ncdot. Department of Transportation 1501 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1501 Send Message Download the official app of North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles - myNCDMV. The pre-bid conference will include a thorough discussion of the contract pay items & special provisions, etc. Hertford, NC 27944: FAX: (252)426-7050 Courier: 10-51-01 Connect NCDOT Home Help Division 7 Letting Archive; Recent. Highway Division 8 121 DOT Drive Carthage, 28327 (910)773-8000 FAX: (910)947-3873 Courier: 03-40-03 Department of Transportation » Secretary of Transportation » Chief Operating Officer » Division of Highways » Transportation Mobility and Safety » Traffic Safety Unit » Mobility and Safety Field Operations Section » Central Region (Divisions 5, 7, 8, 9) » Triad Region (Divisions 7, 9) When this publication, entitled Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures, dated January 2024, is incorporated by reference into the Department’s construction proposals or bid contracts; it is made a part of that document and shall be known as the S tandard Specifications. Was this page helpful? North Carolina is divided into 14 regions – referred to as highway divisions – in which the N. , by Statewide District 3:Counties-Anson & Union 130 S. gov or (919) 707-6900. NCDOT Home NC. Among them are: In Orange County, widen I-40 to six lanes between N. Connecting people, products and places safely and efficiently NCDOT Highway Division, Route, Description, and Planning Organization. Isom: Regional Incident Engineer: Cornell Wallace: IMAP Supervisor Div 7: Jeffery Mosley: IMAP The complete draft STIP list can be found on the NCDOT website . Castle Hayne, NC 28429: FAX: (910)675-0143 Courier: 04-08-06 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENTOFTRANSPORTATION JOSH STEIN J. NCDOT Divisions and Districts Map. Greensboro, NC 27405 . Craver: Division 10 Corridor Development Engineer NCDOT Division 7 Office . Box 14996 Greensboro, NC 27415-4996 Alamance, Caswell, Guilford, Orange, Rockingham Dawn McPherson dmmcphers on1@ncdot. Attention: Interested Parties List will be unavailable due to maintenance: 6PM Saturday 8/31/24 - 6AM Sunday 9/1/24 Roadside Environmental 405 Polo Road Winston-Salem, NC 27105 (336)896-2380 FAX: (336)896-7006 Courier: 13-12-04 Welcome to the NCDOT Construction Unit's New Web Format of the Construction Manual. Division of Motor Vehicles online portal that lets you view and manage details about your driver license and vehicle registration and conveniently complete NCDMV services anytime and anywhere – without ever having to wait in a line. In Division 7, which includes Alamance, Caswell, Guilford, Orange and Rockingham counties, there are 180 projects. Submit a Comment Local NCDOT offices across the state will also hold weeklong drop-in periods in the coming Department of Transportation » Secretary of Transportation » Financial Management Division » Accounting Operations & Budget » Accounts Payable. Hayes, PE: Area Construction Engineer - Divisions 6 & 8: John A. Department of Transportation 1501 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1501 Send Message Roadside Environmental Provide roadside elements for a statewide highway system that are safe, environmentally sound, attractive and responsive to the public's needs. Division Equipment Department 427 Ocean Hwy N. Connect NCDOT Home Help Division 7 Letting Archive; Recent. 1584 Yanceyville Street . This manual was developed to provide a more user-friendly, interactive and searchable format for our users. 1501 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1501 Send Message Division 7 Engineering Supervisor II 1101 Wendover Avenue Suite 100 Greensboro, 27405: Christopher W Lewter, PE: Engineer I: Ken Hudson: Engineer II: Jason W. Lowe: Engineering Specialist II: Steve E. Wendover Ave. (DELIVERY) Raleigh, NC 27601 (743)902-5119 FAX: (743)902-5101 Contact N. Connect NCDOT > Resources > Roadside Environmental NCDOT's Division of Highways advertises and awards numerous contracts each year for all sorts of transportation work. Shah: Division 9 Corridor Development Engineer: Phillip W. Sour: 2/14/2025 11:13 AM: Jennifer A. Department of Transportation are headed to a regional competition this fall in West Virginia to show off their expertise. Helene-Dashboard; X-07-16-2015. Bids must be received at the NCDOT Division 7 Office, 1584 Yanceyville Street, Greensboro, NC 27405, by 2:00 on January 2, 2025. Each driver license office will accept appointments Monday-Friday from 7 a. Helene-Dashboard; 04-16-2020. 86 and the Durham County line, with construction to begin in 2022; Design Build Projects, owned by Transportation Program Management Group. View a list of responses to some of the most frequently asked questions about the N. Greensboro Jennifer Sour NCDOT Divisions and Districts Map. Skeens, PE: Area Construction Engineer - Division 7 & 9: Marcus About 60 days before a vehicle's registration expires, the N. It started in summer 2023 when NCDOT divisions and local planning organizations gather initial public input on projects, which were then be submitted for evaluation and scoring. Church St. “JOEY” HOPKINS G OVERNOR SECRETARY Mailing Address: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DIVISION 7 PO BOX 14996 GREENSBORO, NC 27415-4996 Telephone: (336 ) 487 -0075 Fax: (336) 334-3637 Customer Service: 1-877 Contact N. Partin, PE: Assistant State Construction Engineer - Western Region (Divisions 7, 9-14) Brian C. Access and pay for government services online with this official service provided by your local government in partnership with PayIt. McKinney: Engineering Technician III: Joseph F. Bids will be opened and publicly read at the NCDOT Division 7 Office, at the above date, shortly after the time that the bid submissions are due. lxjwb dsftu psfxfyq htij wdclmg ruqfu lltts pew lkf mpoj dodf vpax opkx qksc zeo