Libreoffice paste into multiple cells I am trying to paste some data to a specific Calc cells in a column, but upon pasting the data, it automatically formatted or outputted by a function of which I don’t know what. I also don’t want to have to: 1) cut the content of the lines; 2) create new lines; 3) paste I’m using LO version 6. Hi, this is really annoying 🙂 I have 22 lines and I have a table with 22 rows and I see the lines with the eye of my soul flying smoothly into these rows (or cells in rows) but I can’t make it happen (This topic has been created after I have found and used the solution with success I want to pass this solution on and I would like that fellow-forumer of ours to ge Hi all: I’m running 7. Changing it to the correct encoding made the preview show that it would paste into multiple cells, but continuing still made it paste everything into a single cell, even with trying to use \n and \r\n as delimiters. This works on each set of cells you have applied this function to. If you mark 5 lines before using the menu, Calc inserts 5 lines Try other numbers. 04. 7. But since yesterday, copying the contents of a cell to multiple cells does not work anymore: I can not paste anymore a formula, text or whatsoever from one cell down to multiple other cells in one operation. I clean them up in Calc and paste them into a Gmail. I want to use Macro to copy content from for example 5 cells in to just 1 single cell. Which is B2:B6, seperated by a comma. I have tried copying the entire I want to paste the same comments in multiple cells which are already having formula/ values. How can you Unfortunately, one of the big limitations I’ve run into is the inability to insert images directly into cells. 2. In LibreOffice Calc 6. If you want to copy a formula into multiple cells, there is a quick and easy way to copy into adjacent cell areas: Select the cell containing the formula. @anon73440385 – I am trying to paste Calc cells into cells in an existing table in Writer. 4. I have a spreadsheet that I am attempting to reformat. If you are COPYING TEXT, then you don't need to press A simple paste will paste exactly into separate cells for me when I copy from the example you give, using LO 7. ) has a different text that gets placed into the cell depending on the number typed into B109 or B110 or B111 etc. Maybe there is a super simple solution but I’m not aware of it. I would like to create an empty form text box (I can do this) in the top cell; then copy and duplicate to all the required cells below. 2 on Win10. Q2, Q3 Q4 etc. To maintain such Calc documents is complicated even more. But since yesterday, copying the contents of a cell to multiple cells does not work anymore: I can not paste anymore a formula, text or whatsoever from one cell down to multiple other cells in one operation. Each time I perform this action, I am left with a multiplication of the If I just select the first cell of the destination row and hit ‘paste only text’, some of the items are pasted into the hidden cells and are not shown. If you are having pasting problems, you might try right-click>Paste Special>Paste Special>HTML. I have to select, cut and paste many rows from a list. Choose Edit - Paste, or press Command Ctrl +V. There’s a summary page, and each of the sub-pages have a list of items that I’ve restocked on my 2-weekly visit to one of my retailers. I am presented with the "unknown source, unformatted " text dialog, rather than the full Paste Special dialog. A daily task I perform at work is to email reports from spreadsheets exported from a CRM. csv on . Select the cells with the text, Copy, select Cell A1 and click Edit > Paste Special > Paste Special, in the dialogue select Transpose and OK. The sub-pages are filled out one by one (after each restock visit) - and then I need to import the data onto the summary page. When I attempt to . So in one cell, format it accordingly, select the formatted cell, click the Format Painter icon on the Standard Toolbar, then click in the cell where you want the formatting to go. Hi I have a cell containing 3 consecutive commas – ,,, I select the cell, then Data>Text to Columns>Separated by>Comma and the preview window shows 3 blank cells, as I would expect. g. 2, when I do the same thing, with 50 rows visible, it copy-pastes the first 50 rows of the unfiltered data, not the 50 visible rows. CRLF is what's showing at the end of each line in N++. Is there a formula that can make this easier for me ? What you can do is format one cell with the formatting you want to use in other cells and then use the Format Painter function to paste that formatting into the other cells. So How can I do this in one shot in libreoffice Calc? Tia, Jleslie48. Is there a way how I can paste into visible cells only omitting cells hidden by filter? All comments are appreciated Thnx. I need to paste some multi-line (has newline characters) text into a spreadsheet cell, but when I do it automatically separates each line into a new cell. On the image below I selected fields A1, A2, A3 and wanted to copy them into A5 - A7. 3 Suppose you have in Calc a sheet: with row 1 to 20 filled with data; for ease of clarity fill column A with 1 to 20 as you go with the rows. If I copy a formula from one cell, and then paste to a range, it treats it like a text import; the resulting cells get just numbers, not the formula. Enter B1:SG1280 into the Name Box (left of the formula bar) and press ENTER (640000 cells should be selected) Paste copied formula using CTLR+V; Optional Enter B1:SG1280 into the Name Box and use menu Data Here is an example macro that searches for “abc” in Sheet1. To implement enhancements for such a group of spreadsheets may soon become a nightmare. HI Folks I have a calc spreadsheet with multiple pages. 2) crashing. You can do it on import but no standard options on Paste. Now just B1 will be highlighted. You can use the fillAuto() method with FillDirection = 0 (TO_BOTTOM) and nSoureCount = 1: LibreOffice: XCellSeries Interface Reference. I’ve tried Paste, Paste Special (selecting fixed width), Paste Special (using Separated By and entering characters NOT in the text to separate by), Paste Only (Text)no option works. But the real sheet is huge, and the rows underneath Name_ is variable. Need to do this search, copy, paste I have a range of cells with multiple lines like: Cell 1: Here is a line of text Here is a line of text Here is a line of text Cell 2: Here is another line of text Here is another line of text Here is another line of text There are line breaks at each line. (In a case where your source range has more than one row, the automatisms coming with fillAuto() may not meet your needs. I have a long column with some numerical data and many empty cells and need to copy and compress it (ignoring the empty cells) to use in another spreadsheet. Select the cells, click Data > Text to Columns, under Separator Options in the box labelled Other enter the pipe character |. My way of doing this: mark rows you need to copy / cut / whatever in unused column. Now that I’ve filtered down to what I need, I I have 22 lines and I have a table with 22 rows and I see the lines with the eye of my soul flying smoothly into these rows (or cells in rows) but I can’t make it happen (This topic has been created after I have found and used the solution with success This is not ideal, but it should work. You will see your words in a I want to be able to copy and paste only formulas in case when I have e. I type the number 1 into cells C1, C2, C3. If processing of whitespace in whichever way stops cut&paste in libreoffice from working correctly, there is a good reason Just looking for a way to copy the cells (A1:D1) then paste them into my active cell The active cell changes all the time so I need the macro to paste A1:D1 my active cell. I cannot use static reference If I triple-click a single cell I can cut and paste just the content of that cell, without affecting cell formatting and without messing up formulae which reference the cell I’m working on. 1. How do I paste the same simple formula into many cells with out it changing. 3. I am able to paste Calc Select the cell into which you want the formula to be copied. ) has a different text that gets placed into the cell depending on the number typed Do not split equally structured data into different sheets. This situation may arise e. A way to do it for several cells in one go is : to select them and copy them into cllipboard (Ctrl +C) to move them by drag and drop (holding down the left mouse button, going to the place where you want to copy them and release the button) to click Would like to know how this is done in Libre calc. You should have a one-column table with each line in its own row. Then: select I9 - I35 cell range and Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V. So, here’s a quick tutorial If I triple-click a single cell I can cut and paste just the content of that cell, without affecting cell formatting and without messing up formulae which reference the cell I’m working Most (if not all) of the problem with Paste and Paste Special happen when you try to Paste into multiple cells. When I use libreoffice, I will tend to copy cells and then use shift and down arrow to select a range of cells to paste. C7=J5,$'Sheet A'. LibreOffice changes the cell formatting to ‘Number’. The lines of text to be pasted are all of different length and content, but each is no In LibreOffice Calc when I try to copy multiple fields from one column and paste them elsewhere, instead of pasting multiple fields -> multiple fields all my data is pasted into one field with spaces in between. All the “cells” are equal fixed size. I knew I could copy one cell without changing it using the technique described here. I am no longer able to paste special a format to a different sized set of cells in Calc. I have data in SHEET 1. Pretty standard stuff I think. The cells with data are the result of a formula. When I: select my lines with CTRL+left mouse click press CTRL+X to cut them Calc says this feature is not working with multiple selections. and desire to move rows 4 to 6 below lines 15. Thank you. Select the cell into which you want the formula to be copied. txt file with Calc. Numbers with comma I noticed that the interface of this menu is the same as text import, which made me realize that this can be done with a text editor: just copy the columns one at a time and remove the quotes, then paste them as new columns. Then when exporting to PDF I unselect ‘Allow duplicate field names’. the same as if I typed something and then used CTRL + Enter to force a line break within a cell Select the cell into which you want the formula to be copied. doc. The same for B7. If it is the LO too, the use the Paste Special feature. several similar columns, rows or sheets containing different values of data. Thanks Wanderer. If your source contains “incrementable constants” the result may also not be what you want. getSheets(). Just like in the example above. 23 of Andrew Pitonyak’s Macro Document. I have I do not need the button to paste for me, I just need it to copy the cells I provided and I will paste manually into the . When we refer to a cell from another sheet, we prefix the name with $‘Sheet Name’. But when you go and do things like sorting rows the images aren’t In LibreOffice Writer, with a block of text selected (with tabs to indicate columns and paragraphs to indicate rows), clicking “Table” > “Convert” > “Text to Table” and selecting the “Tabs” button under “Separate Text At” works for me without LO (LibreOffice 6. You can expand cells that contain comma separated values (CSV) into multiple cells in the same row. Each paper has between 1 and 8 speakers. For example, cell A1 Instead, in LibreOffice, first enter the value into a single cell, then copy (Ctrl+c or the menu). It is a monthly chore and is tedious to find and copy the around 30 cells containing data amongst the over 4000 empty cells. 5 on Ubuntu 20. There is a condition: IF cell Sheet A C7 EQUALS Sheet B J5, THEN put the value of Sheet A C29 into F5 (ELSE we don’t know so I assume we leave the cell blank) So we can type in Sheet B F5: =IF($'Sheet A'. When I copy numeric values from a web browser and try to paste them into a cell in Calc using ctrl-v a popup appears: Select the Language to Use for Import - Automatic - Custom Options - Detect special numbers (such as dates) If I perform “Paste Special” with ctrl-shift-v I get a different popup: Selection - Unformatted text - HTML I do not want any special formatting or How do I paste one formula into multiple cells in Calc? right click copy and paste inserts an image. It’s like this, I am trying to paste this data below: 437,438,438,439,440,441,442,443,444 outputted as; 437438438439441000000000 I wanted it just as what I’ve pasted. I simply want to paste the text as a single unit, but it brings up the same dialogue you see when you try to open a . If the answer met your need, please click on the ball to the left of the answer, to finish the question. The situation: Column A contains text data that’s being pulled via VLOOKUP. To evaluate a report across multiple sheets is complicated. The preview shows how the current cell contents will be transformed into multiple cells. The data provided has one row per paper, in this format: Paper100, Speaker 1 Name, Speaker 1 Email, Speaker 2 Name, Speaker 2 Email, Speaker 3 Name, Speaker 3 Email. Edit: the first time I paste the copied fields they actually get pasted normally, into multiple rows. At work, the grid lines remain in the email so everything looks clean. I need to convert it so that instead of each speaker name/email being a different column, they As @mariosv points out, there’s a difference in Writer between selecting a cell and selecting the contents of a cell. To filter by date or to restrict sums by conditions is easy. We want to do the former. Column A has also been filtered to exclude certain results. To make sure autofilter covers all rows, last row must be marked when adding it, or alternatively add autofilter for LO gives a warning “Insert into multiple selection not possible” Is there a way how I can p FYI, this is tracked as Bug 49205 - EDITING: Pasting to autofiltered fields. I open a spreadsheet. If you want to copy a formula On the Data menu of the Data tab, choose Text to Columns. You have to manually handle the repeated rows (such as column D in my example), but you have to do that with ‘Text to Column’ also. 1A with / and 1 to create the result 1A/1 for example. If you don’t have the table yet, simply paste the text into the document. I can do this individually as in select cell, paste text box; select next cell, paste text box; etc etc. The paste option depends on the features of the target software. Here's a very easy way that I've found with which you can easily copy same data across multiple cells. The recording tool doesn´t record anything when I dubble click on the single cell and paste. I will be copying and pasting other info so I can’t I recently added LibreOffice to my home computer because it is what we use at work. But I can NOT copy one cell to a number of cells, neither horizontally nor vertically nor both at a If I try to copy and paste a formula, the formula changes to match the next row. DONE In Calc I can: I can CTRL-X the I have a formula in Libreoffice Calc which I would like to move (Cut and Paste) to a different cell. 1 Like. Yes, there are Hello, I’m looking for a way to move rows (or columns) by cutting them and inserting them elsewhere. Or First select the cell. Wanderer June 13, 2021, 1:27pm #2. getByIndex(0) oCellFound = uFindString_2("abc", oSheet) Hi Just looking for a way to copy the cells (A1:D1) then paste them into my active cell The active cell changes all the time so I need the macro to paste A1:D1 my active cell. 2 on Windows 7: Type in data in the following cells: A2: Country1 A4: Country2 B2: Customer1 B3: Customer2 B4: Customer3 B5: Customer4 C1: Quantity C2: 100 C3: 100 C4: 100 C5: 100 Hello, I have the following table: Name Value A 34 B 53 C 13 D 1 D 45 D 90 A 54 C 3 A 77 A 43 That I would like to convert into: Name Value A 34 A 43 A 54 A 77 D 1 D 45 D 90 B 53 C 3 C 13 As you can see the aim is to first Using the menu bar I can insert single rows but how do I insert multiple rows into a spreadsheet ? 1 Like. Then, go to Format - Alignment - Justified. Instead, it results in all data of the fields being pasted into A5. Sometimes you get the Text Import dialogue, sometimes you get the Paste Special dialogue with source “unknown source”. I choose Edit>Paste Special from the pull down menu; I am presented with the "unknown source, unformatted " text Do not split equally structured data into different sheets. Sub SearchCalcAndCopy oSheet = ThisComponent. I know about the ctrl+alt shortcut with the mouse, but I’m dealing with files containing thousands of rows, and I don’t want to drag the rows for ten minutes before dropping them. I have been doing this since the beginning of 2012. This has now infected the hard key combinations. But for multiple cells, it takes too long. Click the B1 cell (2nd column, top cell), and drag down into the bottom (B2) cell. I figure it out every time, but then I forget how I did. Have already installed the ‘copy visible cells’ extension. e. Then it grabs the cell in the next column and copies the value to that same cell on Sheet2. The page looks like 39 same sized cards or labels, and can be printed out. Go to Format - Cells. The formula will be positioned in the new cell. You can select or enter separator characters to define the positions of breaking points. It is very annoying as I use LibreOffice exclusively and copy/paste is a basic function that you’d expect to just work. The first column looks like a date, if it in LibreOffice Calc when I try to copy multiple fields from one column and paste them elsewhere, instead of pasting multiple fields → multiple fields all my data is pasted into one field with spaces in between. J. Just looking for a way to copy the cells (A1:D1) then paste them into my active cell The active cell changes all the time so I need the macro to paste A1:D1 my active cell. Every next copy LO: 6. However, when I click OK, the 3 In both programs, I can go to an individual cell, hit F2, and then copy (^A,^C) the text of the cell, and then go to the new workbook, hit F2 in the corresponding cell and then paste (^V) and do this for all cells, but this is a pain in the neck. Previously, if I had a formula I wanted to copy to a whole bunch of cells, I’d copy (CTRL-C) in the cell with the formula, select the range of cells I wanted to get the formula (with I knew I could copy one cell without changing it using the technique described here. Click in B2 and drag back into B1. I will be routinely pasting multiple lines of text into a 3x13 table in Libreoffice Writer. I use Ctl-B to make it bold. Again, it works if I copy from one cell and paste to another; the formula copies over as selected. excel instructions: But since yesterday, copying the contents of a cell to multiple cells does not work anymore: I can not paste anymore a formula, text There. Here, i want to paste B2 from sheet 1 into A4 on sheet 2, D2 into B4, F2 into C4 Once they change again i want to take the same cell of sheet one, and paste those into sheet 2 again, however time time into A5, B5 and C5 as the others above are already in use. Click the OK button. If I just select the first cell of the destination row and hit ‘paste only text’, some of the items are pasted into the hidden cells and are not shown. Use any character, I’m usually using 1 for easy counting, but some prefer * due to visual style; add autofilter (Data → Filter → AutoFilter) for column with marks. Paste Any combination of settings with delimiting characters did not work to paste into multiple cells, but when I switched the option to fixed width separator, it finally pasted into multiple cells as I I periodically have to take a column of text in LibreOffice calc that has names like this “Lastname, Firstname” and split them into two columns. You can select a fixed width and then click the ruler on the preview to set cell breakup positions. I need to search SHEET 1 for a specific text, and if it exist, copy adjacent cell and paste it into SHEET 2. Hit the Alignment tab in the dialog box. Select the check box adjacent to “Wrap text automatically”. I would like the formula to exactly stay the same without the cells in it being adjusted by the move. How can I fix And since the inability to move rows and cells by cutting & inserting the cut cells is one of the first problems most new users run into, and is a complaint that keeps coming up again and again (and one of the biggest reasons new users get turned off and abandon LibreOffice) is this lack of functionality, then it’s not a stretch at all to think the developers would 1) pay @Earnest AI – I am running a clipboard manager (clipboardfusion). By formula here I mean something beginning with “=” and by values of data I mean numbers or text. You will see in the preview that the text is separated into individual cells along a row. Select “Paragraph” as a delimiter, spec enough rows to handle your text, click OK. I have to manually go in to cell You can use the fillAuto() method with FillDirection = 0 (TO_BOTTOM) and nSoureCount = 1: LibreOffice: XCellSeries Interface Reference. 0. Select the cell containing your text. how do I copy by selection, several numbers in each cell, to paste into the cells below. Example: Pasting lines below into empty Cell 1A: Description Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 I want all of that in one How do I paste the same simple formula into many cells with out it changing. Any hints appreciated. So far, the only way I’ve found to add the latest of the In LibreOffice Calc 5. When I copy the first cell contents (Right Click Copy) and Paste it as Paste Special- Comment on the next cell (where I want to paste ONLY the comment WITHOUT replacing original cell content), Libre office deletes the values in the cell during the comment So part of the problem was the encoding - my copied data is UTF-8 and the paste was trying to do UTF-16. A way to do it for several cells in one go is : to select 00:00 Copy and Paste 01:05 Absolute or relative reference Related videos: • Easily Change Between Relative and Ab • How to Apply Text to Columns in Libre • SImple Way to Copy the Select the cell into which you want the formula to be copied. Type the number 1. example: =IFS(B109=0,Q2,B109=1,Q3,B109=2,Q4,B109=3,R2,B109=4,R3,B109=5,R4) Each result (i. Anyway, one thing that has always provided a bit of frustration is that every once in a while when I attempt to use shift and down arrow, Libreoffice instead selects everything from my origin cell to the top left cell of my sheet. The info in the PDF is in a table with each table "cell" containing multiple rows of text but I want to paste the contents of each PDF "cell" into a corresponding single Calc cell whilst still retaining the text in the cell being pasted across multiple lines e. when analyzing data of comparable items like profits of different investment Just looking for a way to copy the cells (A1:D1) then paste them into my active cell The active cell changes all the time so I need the macro to paste A1:D1 my active cell. Now you can add columns to I’m trying to paste a multi-line bit of text into an empty Calc cell without Calc trying to create an additional row per pasted line of text. C29,"") Just looking for a way to copy the cells (A1:D1) then paste them into my active cell The active cell changes all the time so I need the macro to paste A1:D1 my active cell. If I select all 32 cells of the destination row and paste, the cells are filled, but not in the order of the original row. I could paste them in one by one, but there has to be a better way. It requires uFindString_2 from section 6. Is there a way to do that for multiple cells at A B 1| Bob_ 1, 4, 3, 2, 1 2| Bob 1 3| Bob 4 4| Bob 3 5| Bob 2 6| Bob 1 7| Alice_ 1, 3 8| Alice 1 9| Alice 3 I need to auto-fill the value of for example B1. I highlight C1 to C3. , [without having to right click mouse to copy & paste] in excel I would use the “+” curser, once several cells is selected by row or column, then hold curser down to copy into another cells either by row or column. In order to replace the calculated value in place of the formula used, you can select F9. Both cells will be highlighted. I have a similar problem when I try “Paste Special” and select formula. Turning it off does not change the behavior. I go back to cell A1 and use Ctl-C to copy the cell. Traditionnaly, in MS-Excel: you select rows 4-6, then CTRL-X to cut them, then on line 16 do a right-click and select the menu “insert cut cells”. I highlight 3 other cells, Right-Click and choose Paste Special. riffer January 6, 2020, 5:28pm #17. The Select the text, go to the Table menu and select Convert text to table. I will be copying and pasting other info so I can’t just keep A1:D1 on the clipboard, I need to reselect it, copy it, then paste it onto my active cell. The matter is that rows I need to cut are not contiguous in the list. CTRL-X and CTRL-C. Working on a larger data set in Calc and finally ran into an issue that’s making me miss Excel. ATTENTION: If you would like to give more details to your question, use edit in question or add a comment below. I can copy one cell to one other cell. With the cell selected, click Data > Text to columns and choose as separator Space. After that, select multiple nonadjacent cells and paste ( Ctrl + v or the menu). You fiddled with some clipboard options and suddenly it works. Yes, I’m aware that images can be made to hover over cells. 5. I do not need the button to paste for me, I just need it to copy the cells I provided and I will paste manually into the . Then once again into A6, B6 and C6 next time and so on. pyor66 June 13, 2021, 2:25pm #3. This I would like to convert to: Cell 1, Row 2 | 3 | 4: Here is a line of text | Here is a line of text | Here is a line of text Cell 2 I am trying to concatenation two cells together with a character between them, for multiple rows, in order to create part numbers in my spreadsheet. In “another popular spreadsheet program,” when I select a filtered range, copy it, and paste it into another worksheet, only the visible data are pasted. Use Ctl-C or Ctl-Ins to copy the cell. That’s all. rpik byrfc rzs hziwm smctb ptyxlz jqxku swc tmhq lxai qyox unrh gksmukf rjqc urh