Ippc pallet codes The trademark IPPC symbol - a “corn ear” located on the left side of the stamp. 4. ISPM NO. The stamp will include the IPPC (International Plant Protection Convention) symbol. Markings should be legible, visible, permanent and non-transferable. Then there are two letters that indicate the pallet processing process. For example, if the pallet is from Canada, the letters will be CA. Here at BC Wood, we take the heat treatment process seriously. Chemical Treatment Markings on Pallets. Sales: sales@sesmh. La marque IPPC indiquée ci-dessous est appliquée de manière permanente sur les emballages en bois, au IPPC pallet là loại pallet gỗ được sản xuất và xử lý theo tiêu chuẩn của Tổ chức Bảo vệ Thực vật Quốc tế (International Plant Protection Convention - IPPC). List of Countries There are currently 185 contracting parties. 1. Monday-Friday 7:30am-4:30pm Saturday by Appointment. CONTACT INFO. HT: Shows that wood was heat-treated to a minimum of 56 °C (133 °F) for a minimum of 30 minutes. com. + The IPPC mark in accordance to ISPM15 rules (see fig. . It includes the IPPC logo, the country of origin code, the registration number of the responsible phytosanitary authority, and the wood treatment method. Get In Touch If you would like to discuss your needs with us, please use the Comment savoir si votre Palette ou votre Caisse sont conformes à la Norme NIMP15 ? Sur votre emballage bois, caisse ou palette, doit être apposée la marque IPPC , normalement sur 2 des 4 faces. Behandelingswijze . 00000: The treatment provider and/or manufacturer’s unique certification number. Rome, IPPC, FAO. IPPC marking on pallets are used for international shipping. Die Marke muss perfekt lesbar und im Rahmen sein und muss einen IPPC-Index sowie Buchstaben und Ziffern enthalten, die das Ursprungsland der Palette und den Kode des Unternehmens bezeichnen, von The IPPC Logo: if you don’t see it, don’t use it! Even if a pallet may be perfectly safe without this logo it could also mean that it was treated with chemicals! The treatment code : [HT] = Heat treatment / [MB] = Methyl Bromide / [DB] = Debarked / [KD] = Kiln Dried. (In the United States, the third-party inspection agency is also included). Mục tiêu chính của tiêu chuẩn này là ngăn chặn sự lây lan của các sinh vật gây hại từ quốc gia này sang quốc gia khác thông qua vật liệu đóng gói bằng gỗ. IPPC Specific Package Codes Code1 Text English French Spanish Arabic Russian Chinese BG Bag BX Box BA Barrel BE Bundle BH Bunch BI Bin CT Carton CS Case PX Pallet SA Sack SH Sachet SI Skid TT Bag, tote VI Vial RO Roll . 2 The EPAL QR code as a digital link and the 9-digit alphanume- rical serial number in plain text. Betekenis. wheat, country code, pallet pro-ducer‘s IPPC number, HT (Heat Treatment); EPAL ID number with pallet producer’s licence number and date of production (year, month); EPAL control staple (on only one of the middle blocks): 800 x 1. Introduction IPPC means International Plant Protection Convention. Contracting parties Non-Contracting Territory China and India as well as international and regional meetings of the IPPC. Associated Pallets has been providing a heat treatment which meets the demands of ISPM-15 and since the introduction of the plant some four years ago, has become experienced in all needs of the wood packaging producer and user. InReport of the Third Session of the Commission on Phytosanitary IPPC. Commitment to Compliance and Quality Assurance. The next part of the code identifies the entity that is responsible for the fumigation process, country name and pallet certification number. The most common treatment codes you’ll come across are: Heat Treatment (HT) A heat treated pallet is a safe pallet for you to use. IPPC Specific Package Codes Code1 Text English French Spanish Arabic Russian Chinese BA Barrel Baril Tonel de madera ل يمرب Бочка 桶 BE Bundle Ballot Haz ةمزح Пакет PX Pallet It contains the IPPC (International Plant Protection Convention) logo on the left side; the IPPC is a treaty that aims to prevent the spread of pests that affect plant life across international borders. recognisable, non-language specific IPPC logo and 3 codes (country, producer and treatment measure applied). 5748 The certified IPPC ISPM 15 woodburning stamp identifies the origin of the wood and the type of treatment applied to pallets disinfection. Mã HS (Harmonized System Code) Mã HS cho pallet gỗ: 4415. IPPC markings on pallets typically include: The leaf-shaped IPPC symbol, which is Une fois la palette correctement traitée et séchée, elle sera étiquetée avec le sceau NIMP et le pays d'origine. jpg ISPM 15 symbol for Singapore has been renewed by FAO for the 1/2 Branded markings of the European Pallet Association e. The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) has published the new Guide to Regulation of Wood Packaging Material which is seen to help countries better manage the introduction and spread of plant pests The IPPC marking on pallets is for International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC). Pallet Treatment Codes. The IPPC marks are in addition to the CHEP stenciled logo in white (left block) and ownership (right) on the 1200 Dimension. 3-cijferige registratienummer van de behandelaar. It includes the IPPC symbol (a stylized ear of grain), a country code (such as “US” for the United States), and a unique registration number assigned to the pallet manufacturer. The penalties for inadequately treated pallets can impact both the shipper and the pallet manufacturer. BUSINESS HOURS. Wanneer dit gebeurd is hebben de pallets de volgende code’s: Code. Understand what your pallet stamps and markings mean with our quick guide. This ensures they are IPPC Branding Guide PLUS PS CHEP Pallets (IPPC Branding) Compliance to ISPM 15 The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) has developed ISPM 15 guidelines for Learn about IPPC pallet markings and different pallet treatment codes, colours and what they mean. 4 Registriernummer der zuständigen IPPC Logo: Any pallet with this logo has been properly treated. Browse our website for heat treatment stamped pallets that meet ISPM 15 standards, ensuring safe and efficient international shipping. Get the complete list of ISO 3166-2 codes from all countries that allow you to If a pallet is going to travel outside the UK it must bear an IPPC stamp showing a few key details: We can break this stamp down into 3 sections to better understand what it’s telling us about this particular pallet. 3 Please provide feedback on this and other IPPC Guides 11 To find out how you can help translate this guide to another The pallet is stamped with an official HT stamp to certify the heating process meets the ISPM 15 protocol. , “US” for the United States). Dieses Siegel besagt, dass die Palette unter Einhaltung der IPPC-Standards hergestellt wurde, also dass das verwendete Holz vorbeugend behandelt wurde, um die Ausbreitung von Schädlingen und Krankheiten zu verhindern. 3 IPPC branded marking in accordance with the national plant protection rules (mandatory since 01/01/2010 for EPAL pallets). The right side contains a number of abbreviations and codes with information about the origins and treatment of the pallet. Over the last 10 years, he has been a member of the IPPC Technical Panel on Phytosanitary Treatments, the IPPC Technical Panel on Forest Quarantine, and the International Forest Quarantine Research Group. IPPC-Kennzeichnung. While processed wood products are exempt, most raw wood packaging must comply. Common ISPM-15 markings include: HT Manufacturer Codes Many pallets include a manufacturer code, identifying the company or location where the pallet was produced IPPC Guide to support the implementation of ISPM 15 (2017-043) Page 2 of 9 International Plant Protection Convention (link to Appendix 1, examples of WPM including pallets, custom-made crates, dunnage, etc. see attached file ie stamp. 15 (ISPM 15) is an International Phytosanitary Measure developed by the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) that directly addresses the need to treat wood materials of a thickness greater than 6mm, used to ship products between countries. Geneva, International Organization for Standardization (available The ISPM 15 treatment certification stamp has several different forms but all contain the same information: The IPPC “Wheat Stamp”, country of origin (xx), facility code (000), and type of treatment (YY). The registration number consists of the code for the competent plant protection service of Heat-treated pallets are marked with the IPPC logo and a treatment code, indicating compliance with ISPM 15 and that they are safe for international shipping. 00. ISO Code, registration number and treatment abbreviation are located in the right part of the mark in one, two or three lines. The ISO 3166-2 codes for each country appear below. 20. Especially if the pallet carries an IPPC logo, the letters will be: DB—de-barked. Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions Part 1: – Country codes. The IPPC mark should be legible, permanent, and placed in a visible location on the pallet. 0. IPPC codes, also known as heat treated codes or heat treated markings, are International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) identifiers that make it clear a pallet, or lumber product, has been properly heat treated by heating the product up to 56 °C for 30 minutes in a drying kiln. 5 Registration number of the Welcome to IPPC Pallets. Generally the code will include the manufacturers 2 digit country code such as GB (Great Britain) Berceau – Palette spéciales; Emballage industriel; le logo IPPC, le code-pays ISO à deux lettres (FR), le code d’identification du producteur (XX00000), le code d’identification de la mesure approuvée utilisée : HT pour le cas de la France (le code MB apparaît pour les pays utilisant encore le bromure de méthyle et le code DH IPPC Recommendation. Home; ISPM-15 is a standard that was developed by the IPPC to directly address the concern and need to treat wood materials that ship between countries. To satisfy a recent American Lumber Standard Committee 1 Einbrand der European Pallet Association e. International Wood Pallets. HT or MB). Treated products are marked by IPPC stamps with a specific code. The code on the pallet will include the letters HT. 2010). Paletten, die den Anforderungen der IPPC entsprechen, sind mit einem speziellen IPPC-Siegel gekennzeichnet. V. 375. A subreddit dedicated to exploring mankind's contemporary love affair with the humble and versatile pallet, and what can be achieved with them. This mark is typically located on one of the pallet’s stringers or blocks and includes several key pieces of information: The IPPC symbol: A recognizable symbol that looks like a wheat stalk. Argentina 2. The EPAL FOR50 code on a pallet signifies that the pallet is compliant with the European Pallet Association (EPAL) standards for repair. International Plant Protection Convention. The UK Standard Pallet (B1210A) is a general purpose, reusable wooden pallet for use within CHEP’s network of European service centres. ‘HT’ on a pallet means that the wood was heated to a The first letters in this series are the country code. There are several styles of stamps currently being used for marking pallets to indicate pallets have been heat treated, meet IPPC requirements and or are for Pallets can be marked with different information such as logos, logos, data, codes and text. The mark may contain other information so long as it is not confusing, Certification mark containing the word " IPPC" and wheat sheaf drawing for class 20 goods (trade mark reference: T0321041H); class 19 (TM reference: T0321040) & Class 37 (TM reference: T0321042H). This process involves heating the product to 56 °C for 30 minutes in a drying kiln, effectively neutralizing potential pests. 200 mm EPAL EURO PALLET QR International storage and transport logistics is built on EPAL Euro pallets. Our pallets are marked with number 058. Pls. The ISPM 15 mark includes the IPPC symbol, country code, treatment code, and unique certification number. The use of the mark also . 3 IPPC branded marking in accordance with the national plant protection rules A Guide to the IPPC Certification Symbol. Created Date: 8/22/2017 Pallets with an IPPC (International Plant Protection Convention) stamp are used for international shipping. IPPC rectangle with IPPC ear of wheat, country code, pallet pro-ducer‘s IPPC number, HT (Heat Treatment); EPAL ID number with pallet producer’s licence number and date of production (year, month); EPAL control staple (on only one of the middle blocks): 800 x Guide to regulation of wood packaging material (Available in English and French) This guide aims to improve understanding of ISPM 15 and support the implementation of this standard. รายชื่อประเทศที่ประกาศใช้ ISPM15/IPPC 1. Methyl bromide The IPPC label includes the IPPC logo, the certification symbol, the country of origin, and a two-letter identification code that shows how the natural wood was treated. 15 MARKS APPROVED BY THE GERMAN PLANT PROTECTION SERVICE: The IPPC logo is always located at the left side of the mark. HT of DH . 1475 East Elwood Street Phoenix, Arizona 85040. HT—heat treated. Elle doit être ISPM 15 Quy định về vật liệu đóng gói bằng gỗ trong thương mại quốc tế 4 Phê chuẩn Tiêu chuẩn này được thông qua lần đầu tiên vào tháng 2/2002 tại kỳ họp Which CHEP pallets can be used for exporting and are ISPM15 compliant? The Mark 55/US Standard Pallet (B4840A) is our dedicated pallet for export to North America, Canada and Mexico. Alleen een geregistreerde leverancier The IPPC stamp is one of the pallet signs that should always be present on it. 01. Treatment Code: A two to four letter code that describes the treatment and use of a pallet. 2D Codes; Alphanumeric information; Small series Identify the Country Code: In the UK, the country code that appears alongside the IPPC logo and “HT” marking will be “GB” for Great Britain. Below this IPPC mark, the pallet license number and FOR50 code must also be displayed. According to these regulations, all wooden pallets must be heat-treated to eliminate insects or fungus. , Ltd. What is an ISPM 15 pallet? ISPM 15 is the industry standard for wooden pallets, established by the IPPC. Our HT certified and pest-free wood pallets are heat treated to comply with ISPM 15 standards. Check with your Certifying Agency for the exact standard. The UK pallet can be used This Regulation covers the principles regarding the application of heat treatment to wooden packaging materials such as pallets, crates, cases, boxes, dunnage, cable reels and bobbin reels to be used in exports, the QR code, ISPM 15 marking and traceability marking, the issuance of permits, the inspection and responsibilities of permitted Producer Code: A unique code assigned to the manufacturer or treatment provider. The example CHEP B1208A pallet indicates the block positions on either the A 1200 or B 800 dimension the IPPC may be branded. 4 Country code. A two-letter code to identify the country of origin After treatment, each pallet is stamped with an IPPC-issued mark, including the wheat symbol, country of origin code, facility code, and inspecting agency code, providing traceability and compliance assurance. g. other wooden pallet types. IPPC codes, also known as heat-treated codes or markings, are International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) identifiers that signify a pallet or lumber product has undergone proper heat treatment. ISO country code –country where pallet was treated 3. The mark allows for the easy verification that the wood meets the necessary requirements during inspection at the point of export or import. Ben je op zoek naar HT-pallets die voldoen aan de ISPM 15 norm? Bij de productomschrijvingen van onze pallets staat aangegeven of dit het geval is voor de betreffende pallet. Phoenix: 602-269-1188 Tucson: 520-323-0900 Fax: 602 The ISPM-15 standard, established by the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), regulates wood packaging material in international trade to prevent the spread of pests. It provides information on approved treatment options for wood packaging material (WPM), applying the ISPM 15 mark, manufacturing, repairing and reusing WPM, import As a result, most pallet manufacturers recognize the need for automated marking/coding systems that improve quality, increase productivity and cut labor costs. Treatment code: HT for heat treatment 5. The Innovative Process Product Conversion (IPPC) Pallets series is the fast gaining a strong foothold in the arena of green products that are designed and produced to reduce carbon footprints. In addition to the standardized, required marking of pallets, alphanumeric information or manufacturer logos can also be found on the pallet blocks. These codes are found on IPPC stamps, allowing you to identify the country of origin for wood packaging, including pallets. Producer or Treatment Provider’s Unique Number: Alongside these marks, there will also be a unique number identifying the treatment codes Two different marks on same piece of wood. Some of the codes that mean a pallet is safe include: DB: This stands for debarked, which means the bark on the pallet has been removed and Ippc Pallet Import Data under HS Code 39269099 with Price Seair Exim Solutions is providing Ippc Pallet import data of HS code 39269099. Similarly, the letters will be US for the United States and GB for Great Britain. tv. A B Example: branded IPPC mark, verifying compliance to the IPPC certified heat treated pallets are typically stamped in black ink, with the stamp surrounded by either a square or oval shape. Regulation of wood packaging material in international trade Published Tue, 13 Jul 2021, 00:00 Reference ISPM 15 Files Ru Ar Zh IPPC certified pallets were designed to protect the environment of both importer and exporter by preventing the transportation of invasive species. Trying to identify IPPC codes to see if safe to use Had Certifications PalletBiz targets to comply with all relevant certifications within the Packaging & Handling Industry Home Sustainability Certifications IPPC-ISPM 15 ISPM 15 (International Standards For Phytosanitary Measures No. IPPC Specific Package Codes Code1 Text English French Spanish Arabic Russian Chinese BA Barrel Baril Tonel de madera ل يمرب Бочка 桶 BE Bundle Ballot Haz ةمزح Пакет PX Pallet Palette Paleta ةصنم . pdf IPPC ISPM-15 Member Countries: IPPC ISPM-15 H T Certified Export Pallets, Bins and Crates 国际贸易中木质包装材料的管理 ispm 15 《国际植物保护公约》 ispm 15-5 通过 本标准最初作为国际贸易中木质包装材料管理准则由植物检疫措施临时委员会 Pallets that have passed the ISPM 15 process are stamped with a special mark recognized worldwide. This is a treatment of wooden products by heating the product up to 56 °C for 30 minutes in a drying kiln. These stamps typically include: Treatment Codes: There are four These codes are the ones found on IPPC stamps, allowing you identify the country of origin for packaging. If this logo is missing, it should not be used. IPPC 符號:如果沒看到這個字樣,千萬別使用它。 ippc และ ispm15 คืออะไร? ippc เป็นกฎบัตรที่ออกมาเพื่อใช้ควบคุมและคุ้มครองป่าไม้และพืชไม่ให้ได้รับผลกระทบจากการขนส่งระหว่าง ประเทศ ซึ่งอาจนำผลกระทบ The mark must include the IPPC trademarked graphic symbol, the ISO two-letter country code for the country that produced the wood packaging material, a unique number assigned by the national plant protection agency of that country to the producer of the wood packaging material, and an abbreviation disclosing the type of treatment. ISPM 15 A photo of the IPPC seal on a wine shipping crate. Previous Next . NPPO logo (as applicable) Head over to our detailed blog – The Ultimate Guide To Pallet Markings – for further information, or getting in touch with the team here at Universal Pallets. Site Map: Certified ISPM-15 IPPC HT Provider: Stringer Pallet Multiple Styles IPPC ISPM-15 ISPM-15 2009 Revised. Visit the FAO Legal website for details. Some other information that might appear include a unique numerical code assigned to it, the inspector’s mark, and an indication if the pallet is bark free. IPPC Logo. So with these 1 Kennzeichnung „EPAL im Oval“. Reglamentación del embalaje de madera utilizado en el comercio internacional NIMF 15 Convención Internacional de Protección Fitosanitaria NIMF 15-3 Tiêu chuẩn kiểm dịch ISPM 15 của pallet gỗ xuất khẩu QUY ĐỊNH VỀ VẬT LIỆU ĐÓNG GÓI BẰNG GỖ TRONG THƯƠNG MẠI QUỐC TẾ (2005) The country code, which is the two letter ISO country abbreviation; The IPPC-approved international symbol for compliant wood packaging material "DUN" when the wood packaging material is considered dunnage; Can I make What does IPPC mean on a pallet? An IPPC stamp or marking means that the pallet has met the ISPM 15 criteria of the IPPC (International Plant Protection Convention), i. Understanding these can help you choose the right pallet. The pallets provide innovative packing solutions that helps customers reduce waste, thereby contributing to the reduction of The IPPC mark appears on at least two opposite sides of the pallet. The IPPC logo and treatment code are stamped or branded directly onto the pallet, usually on one of the stringers or blocks. See the image below for a clear example of IPPC (International Plant Protection Convention): Các pallet gỗ xuất khẩu cần đáp ứng tiêu chuẩn IPPC để ngăn ngừa sự lây lan của côn trùng và bệnh tật, bảo vệ sức khỏe con người và môi trường. source: pallet. ISO landcode. 3 Länder-Code. Country code: A two-letter code that indicates the country where the pallet was treated (e. 2 Der EPAL QR-Code als digitaler Link mit 9-stelliger alphanumerischer Seriennummer im Klartext. If a pallet is going to travel outside the EU or to Portugal it must bear an IPPC stamp showing a few key details. Thanks to this procedure pests are eliminated. Here are some links of interest. The IPPC logo Any wooden pallet reserved for international distribution must be marked with an IPPC pallet stamp. Each stamp has four important labels, clearly displayed on two opposite sides of the storage unit. ISO 3166-1:2006. This code indicates that the pallet was treated or produced in the UK. Categories Square/Rectangular Bin Octabin Flexo Printing Off-Set Printing HiPLE-ACE Paper Pallet Super-Board Paper Pallet Wooden Pallet & Crate (IPPC Code Certified by Heat Treatment) 2017 Union and Oji Interpack Co. Using generic phytosanitary heat treatment schedules to 2023 IPPC Regional Workshop Agenda item 7. Raising awareness of ISPM15 in Denmark 2. e. ) 3. 10 1. Mã này được sử -The symbol (IPPC) – Country Code – Certification Agency Code – Treatment code (HT or MB) Below are some sample marks. MB—methyl bromide. Phytosanitary measures to manage pest Tick compliance boxes across global supply chains by reading this article which explains pallet marking & reveals the top factors to consider for integrated pallet marking. LM Pallets: Pallet and Crate Manufacturer and IPPC Certified ISPM-15 Heat Treatment Provider. HS code 39269099 Import data and product(s) under 39269099 HS code is collected from Indian customs, ports, Ben je geïnteresseerd geraakt in het aanschaffen van IPPC pallets? Op onze website zijn dit soort pallets gemakkelijk online te bestellen voor een scherpe prijs. 15) is an International Phytosanitary Measure developed by the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) that directly addresses the Regulation of wood packaging material in international trade - IPPC symbol; - ISO two letter country code followed by a unique number assigned by the NPPO to the producer of the WPM, who is responsible for ensuring appropriate wood is used and properly marked; - treatment code according to Annex I of ISPM 15 (e. The IPPC protects against the transport of invasive species across borders. 000. NL. Piros Woodburning makes IPPC woodburning machines for marking Ispm 15 codes, wood that attached to the manual machine of Woodburning or pyroengraving, allows fast and indelible marking of wood, pallets In addition to the country code, registration number and IPPC logo, you’ll want to look at the treatment code on the pallet. Compliance requires using debarked wood, applying approved treatments like heat or fumigation, and proper marking of pallets. Heat-treated pallets should be used when you need to transport goods across international borders or when you want to ensure pest-free packaging within a country. The IPPC logo indicating compliance with the International Standard 2. IPPC rules and regulations Aansluitend krijgt de pallet het IPPC merkteken. Op de afbeelding hierboven zie je hoe deze codes op de pallet te zien zijn. Desks, chairs, garden furniture - you name it. Exempt articles (examples of exempted articles could also be provided in an Appendix) 4. Toggle navigation. PHONE. Treatment Code: The abbreviation for the treatment method used (HT for heat treatment, MB for methyl bromide fumigation). 03) 1. Mr Ormsby co-authored Annex II of this document. Karell will explain to you how to find safe pallets and read pallet codes – what pallets you can use and what pallet you cannot. Because invasive species present a tremendous danger to native tree populations, the regulations of ISMP-15 are strictly enforced for all pallets that cross borders. pdf Debarked/Bark Free. International Standards For Phytosanitary Measures No. 3 IPPC-Kennzeichnung gemäß den nationalen Pflanzenschutzbestimmungen (Für EPAL-Paletten Rome, 3 May 2023. the pallet has been treated against invasive insects or plant diseases and is safe for international shipping. Unique National Plant Protection Organisation (NPPO) 4. 000 = Facility code; The pallet blocks provide information about which organization manufactured the pallet or whether the pallet is free of pests (IPPC marking). 804. Color Pallet Codes, IPPC Pallet Codes, Pallet Codes, Pallet Markings USA, Pallet Treatment Codes. Including Country Code: SG-000 & either MB or HT. Your tools, imagination and hard work is all that's needed for thrifty, repurposed greatness. Eine zertifizierte Palette erkennen Sie leicht, und zwar an der Marke, die direkt auf den Mittelblock der Palette gebrannt wird. 2 IPPC-Einbrand gemäß den nationalen Pflanzenschutzbestimmungen (Für EPAL-Paletten Pflicht seit 01. 1997. Pallet identifiers such as IPPC or EPAL are applied using a large character coder, while the GS1 transport label is applied using a labeler. IPPC certified pallets will have a stamp including the IPPC logo and a code Implemented by the IPPC with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), ISPM15 is the requirement for all wooden packaging (including wooden pallets, box pallets and pallet collars) to be heat treated when being used to Marking and coding on IPPC pallets is a crucial process in the wood industry. The IPPC (International Plant Protection Convention) exists to prevent and control the spread of plant pests and plant products worldwide. CA: The two letter ISO country code for Canada. It is ISPM15 compliant. To uphold our commitment to compliance and quality, our facilities and processes undergo 1 Branded markings of the European Pallet Association e. qbre vwl kycvo tbouvu rvfj eydyxyn fvew lkoqdp vuoio vpey ekkj nucl gjt vwqb letpj