Hoi4 german empire guide. German Empire guide? upvotes .
Hoi4 german empire guide Hey man, thanks for the guide but I was wondering. Annex Czechs and Romanians. Went down the Kaiser path. Quelqu'un peut-il me donner un guide s'il vous plaît, ne m'envoyez pas un guide merdique de 5 heures. Start with Revive Nat. more is better. Start off by researching just electronics and production efficiency, 2 slots left empty. com/c/71cloakAnd why not support the channel with a YouTube This HOI4 path will see the Netherlands embrace a non-aligned leader and place its fate in the monarchy and its determination to resist any invaders. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Guide for German Empire . This is a guide for world conquest. Archived post. Share Sort by: Best. Nation Guide List La Plata. Autarky 6. I'm still somewhat dissapointed we never got a german led world wide revolution By that time the Allies had pretty much taken over over most of Western Europe, so German capitulation was imminent. Used spies to ignite a civil war in Italy to get them into the faction. But for this time we recreate the Holy Roman Empire using the Kaiserin Victoria for Germany!Gett A comprehensive guide for By Beer Alone in By Blood AloneThanks to 71cloack: https://www. So can someone give me a guide please just dont send me some shitty guide thats 5 hours long. Italy's new mission tree is actually really fun in simulating a fragile nation trying for an empire. They will beat anything you did and faster. I wanted to try the third Empire path with the french so I looked for guide, and everytime they say to rush removing the disjointed government debuff, while doing the army branch. If you wish to continue playing and get another achievement (Stalin, how many guns does he have?), you can use the war goal you get from A Time for War to declare war on the USSR and join Germany's attack. No matter what, just make sure you get all the German core territory you can, it's not an So I have tried what I think is every viable strategy to beating the Germans as the French empire. This sub-branch restores Germany's monarchy under Wilhelm II, re-creating the German Empire that fell in 1918 and gives war goals against the British and the French, and allows for restoring the Italian and Austro Prussia is one of the last places in the Empire which does not have universal equal voting, and the SPD are keen to reform its electoral system. Get your free 12 civs and research slot. You Generals! Now that you've conquered the Beginner's Guide, its time to take on your next challenge with Götterdämmerung and our Complete Advanced Guide to Hearts of Iron. Left Poland for the Soviets and did not agitate them. It’s not a big damage. Regarding your comment about how there's no diplomatic strategy in KR though, I always felt that KR had a more dynamic diplomatic game than vanilla. Taking out the german fleet in the process is a must too. When you finish the war you have a lot of XP, so you should edit your division templates. No Support, no extra Cavalry. I didn't build a dam in Rhineland bc its a 70s days focus, and bc afaik the Germans never built a damn and never would bc of importance of Rhine River in German nationalism. Though I often play smaller nations like Chinese warlords, Bulgaria, etc r/hoi4. As I stated earlier in the guide, selecting Annex all has a 1/3 chance of being denied, puppet Croatia has a 1/2 chance of being denied and puppet Yugoslavia has a 1/6 chance of being denied. (now Kingdom of France) disembarking on the French mainland and conquering some of their land back (German Empire pushed and I played kaiserreich for a while now,often also as the German empire,in previous versions, and I didn't struggle that often. BEFORE doing this, save up some PP and BEFRIEND the following If you want federation of equals, make sure social conservatives win, then at the renegotiations kick the nationalistic hungarian rabble-rouser, then ensure minority rights for everyoneeeeeee, then make sure your army is ready to invade hungary and position them at their border, defeat them, release all the nations, and then follow down the rest of the political path until you Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. An even easier German naval guide: Make sub 3’s with snorkel. Following the steps laid out in this guide will allow you to easily form the Here’s another flowchart, this time focused on vanilla hoi4 German leaders and paths. Witzleben has no further political content and stays head of the State. As for your issue, the Prussian reform is unfortunately randomized, but I believe it is no longer determined at the start of the game, so savescumming should be possible; just make sure to click the event at different times. Join our Community Manager Erik as he talks to Content Designer Manuel and Programmer Björn as we take a deeper dive into the Small Features and German Systems content coming with Hearts of Iron IV I played as the German empire through the oppose Hitler route only a few times when i first got the Waking the tiger DLC. IIRC the best course of action for German Empire at that time was to choose Oppose Hitler and declare a war before it ends to bypass the Rhineland focus too (getting Anchluss etc while being German Empire). Integrate War Eco takes 3 useless focuses to go for so German War Eco is usually a better pick. ; About Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki; Mobile view 407K subscribers in the hoi4 community. I cost the Germans around 22 million men. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. German Casualties right before capitulation. I struggled, mainly because I could barely play the game. Open comment sort options Watch the German Imperial Family (Except Victoria Louise) die in the Hindenburg. From US, downfall Japan from This guide assumes you have basic to intermediate knowledge of the game and can be done in Ironman mode. 30 days into the game, pause, switch electronics to construction 1, take one of the slots with 30 days saved and put it on electronics (Takes 100 days base but sped up a little by limited Today in Germany with the release of the new dlc many of the strats for the GCW has been reset, with many players stating their troubles with it now it's tim Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. ADMIN MOD Chilean Empire guide! Video Share Add a Comment. Hello, first I want to say that I'm quite new to the game, so I don't understand all the mechanics. It does the following things: It bleeds german manpower and spawns German volunteers until either Germany captures all Dutch controlled territory (nigh impossible), or the Dutch fully control a single german province, in which case phase 2 kicks in. 6. y Great combat guide to HOI4 in general. How can you pull this off without? By going down the Bring Back The Kaiser focus tree Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. This guide works mainly with easy to reproduce screenshots and explains some alterations and compromises Research juggling is based on the idea that you can save 30 days of research time and apply it to the next tech. A Push from North, you will get through. ADMIN MOD A guide to forming the Holy Roman Empire (June 2023) Tutorial There are many guides for this already on the internet, but some no longer work as of the current status of the Here's how to form the Secret German Volksreich! (German Peoples Empire/State)Join the Discord server - link in profile!#hoi4 406K subscribers in the hoi4 community. ADMIN MOD Germany navy guide . After German defeat I had to COMPREHENSIVE Macedonian Empire Guide - arguably the toughest HOI4 formable . These four are: * Getting a foothold Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. As monarchy German Empire you get an event for Austria to join for free though if you let them merge with Hungary into Austria-Hungary and do the integrate Hungary focus afterwards Je joue à hoi4 depuis quelques mois seulement, je ne trouve pas de tutoriel sur l'Allemagne qui ne dure pas une heure entière. I start with 20 width. 0 unless otherwise noted. Throughout this guide, have to face a two front war against you, Italy, and the Soviets. Declare war on Allies. Extra Research Slot The benchmark used to be a about 112-114 civ, 105 mic with nic built up in Hannover. Start the game, doughnut un-pause as we have a lot of work to do. . If German Empire under our beloved Kaiserin is the best way to experience Africa, so be it! Archived post. I want to create a medium sized surface Navy for germany. This page was last edited on 6 September 2021, at 13:00. And what is optimal way to use German navy though the historical game? Archived post. Join Hammotimee as they bring you up to speed on every HOI DLC and their unique mechanics. I know navy a little bit (no man the guns, only the normal navy) and can fight pretty well with a big navy (carrier US). I’ve also released France Guide There’s been that great update for the German Hoi4 But if you're at a loss due to the magnificence of the new german focus tree, here are some reference points for me if you'd like them. Welcome to PoliticalSimAntiquity, the only political Please note, this guide is not for the German Empire of Hearts of Iron IV – that is for another guide. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Best Garrison Template for Germany in HOI4. This is quite difficult, but offers great possibili Air will generally be important in the sense that you will need a lot of Fighters to intercept German planes. Discussion I’m searching for a guide/video/strategy for the German empire, as I’m having trouble conquering Belgium(the focus doesn’t give you a war goal with Netherlands Guide: Play as the German Reich and go down the 'Oppose Hitler' branch. com/taureorWe're going to play as Germany and form the Holy Roman Empire. Immediately go down the monarchy compromise, putting Willhelm III in power for 5% stability in the new democratic government. Allies may not allow Czechs to fall since you've created a lot of In this video I will be playing Hearts of Iron IV Gotterdammerung Germany before its release. Is there any way to make the liberal German Unification event happen? upvotes What is the optimal way to from the Roman Empire? upvotes This guide explains possibilities to create some historic division templates of the German Wehrmacht. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by I did my first German Empire here the other day. To start, Germany must not go down the path of My current HRE opener involves justifying on Czechoslovakia asap, taking Oppose Hitler as focus 1, making sure to pick up extensive mobilisation during the civil war, pop out as many troops as possible before the justification finishes, Want to improve your HOI4 Germany game? Here is a complete Germany guide for Gotterdammerung that won't disappoint. HOI4 Germany Starting Guide: https://www. Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Should I go carriers or spam subs? I have mtg but I'm not sure what would be You should do dolfuss and make the greater German empire Reply reply CoquitoEmpire • Yes and you can core all of the German lands and the Austria hungary lands Reply reply Ok-Initiative-7698 • Its blob time r/hoi4. Generals of the Reich: German Empire Kaiserreich is an Alternate History MOD for Hearts of Iron 4 and Darkest Hour. After all this, you can continue the path from Pivot to the Past and continue playing however you wish. 4k Manpower. r/hoi4 • TIL if you enable historical AI focuses, but also play Poland and conquer the Baltic states and thus get into a war with the Allies, the German AI will fail the Munich conference and get into a war with the Allies, inviting you to the Axis Pretty much the biggest obstacle the French have always had in HOI4 is Germany, they are the most overpowered major in the game and stand as a power bloc between East and West. Little sidetrack: German Reich SUCKS in this expansion, in my 6 games they never could invade Czechoslovakia or Poland properly, In this game they are being invaded by Czechoslovakia, even though Italy and British Empire are at their side. Historical Germany Focus Tree Build: 1. If you need to rush fighter 2 yourself, tactical air effort after that. So all the vids I'm seeing with putting Victoria on the German Empire throne are using console. 2. I have good generals and a marshal, so all stats are good. In this guide, we will show you how to play as the Soviet Union (USSR) in HOI4 and defeat Germany before they have a chance to reach Stalingrad or Moscow. It is mainly developed by a small group of modders, but everybody is welcome to contribute to the project as long The German Fatherland Party (DVLP) was formed to support the dictatorship later that year, and after enduring through the Turnip Winter, where 750,000 starved, the war turned decisively in Germany’s favour, as the French mutinies of 1917 Now you should be able to take the decision to form the Roman Empire. R5: I took a deep dive into challenging the Remilitarization of the Rhineland as France, because why not. Content is available under Attribution-ShareAlike 3. Romanov Empire Path for the USSR in HOI4. This is not the fastest Roman Empire, but it's reliable and doesn't rely on any paratrooper cheese. Gain control of the require provinces and Click the decision that creates the Holy Roman Empire. Luxembourg has the worst possible start in all of HOI4: 0 Divisions. You won’t really need to use them to advance. I have already figured out the early game as Napoleonic France, taking out Britain and the Benelux is laughably easy, but Germany remains a constant issue. Treaty with the USSR 4. That is until recently, under the new regime the German dream of a new mighty navy can be realise but with war looming will the Germans be able to produce their dream navy in time before capitulation. Whether you're looking to master Espionage or become the Global Market leader, to the Red Flood is an alternate-history HOI4 mod about a prolonged crisis of modernity set in 1936. Deutsch-Mittelafrika. Get 3 spies and upgrade your Civilian Intelligence. Ethiopia War is a cakewalk. I think that there are two campaigns needed before you can form the German Empire (four to make full use out of it), just two of them to form Prussia. KDF-Wagen 8. There are two major points here that can Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Four Year Plan 5. German empire guide for great war redux? Tutorial Pls, I try all tutorials and anything is working, i have the 15/4 template but when us enters to the war with 32 divisions in france I simply give up, some solution? r/hoi4. Question I haven't touched the game since a year or so. of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. 100th video! The poll was close, so I'll do the nr2 as well. I would do guarantee for danzig, but I want all the previous German Empire Territory. Members Online. youtube. Let's rejuvenate the German Empire and make it the strongest power in Europe and in the world. 3 – Suppor That is what this guide is all about and today I am going to be showing you, how to build a strong and powerful Germany in practically no time and also how to A guide for HoI4 La Résistance as Germany and the German Empire, now with 34% more bearable audio! more. There are three interesting paths that France can take: historical, communist, or Napoleonic. Here’s another flowchart, this time focused on vanilla hoi4 German leaders and paths. To be clear, by Garrison, we refer to the template you use to control Resistance and Compliance, not actual divisions that you use to defend Rhineland should be delayed until right before Anschluss. Next, you want to Begin Rearmament - if WT is too low, either wait and save PP, or take the Devalue the Franc focus. 1 Military Factory. 92% Democratic Popularity. If you were having issues figuring out what to do with the country then maybe this will be helpful, especially for players newer to HOI4 who might be intimidated to play the protagonist. 3 Make it so women can inherit the throne (There's choices you can do for PP) No. I strengthened Germany a lot in the settings, but I did the same for pretty much every other major including USSR, but German mustache prevailed. Use this article as your HOI4 Germany guide and become a master tactician on the online battlefield. Thr more convoy you sunk the better uk troops in Norway will be able to fight. Tutorial German War Economy Demand Sudetenland First Vienna Award Fate of Czechoslovakia Reassert Eastern Claims Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact Mediums work in SP because the ai is as good at hoi4 as people with the name "Player" who pick a banned nation, and then say "Host why Kick" when they get banned for not switching. Once done, proclaim the Roman Empire once again and you’ve unlocked a new path to go with. I start off by taking over the Netherlands so I can puppet the East Indies, however once the civil war begins I If the latter exists in HOI4, Germany will just let you conquer them due to both Germany and Italy being Allies. Pretty fun run. Hermann Goring-Werke 7. I end up finishing the war in just a few months this way. But sometimes you have to do something like "win 1936 election as socdems, 1940 election as libdems, let syndies coup you, then countercoup as PatAut (if American Civil war has been won by PSA) and voila you can play as Emperor Walt Disney The First" or This guide will be a reflection of that. 3 Civilian Factories. Small Features & German Systems - Developer Livestream #3. Peru. The Guide will be covered in five parts: Part 1: Pre-2WK Shared @VijoPlays for my main channel!Links: https://linktr. Basically, if you follow this guide, you will 100% not lose a single tile to the germans. A place to share content, ask I want to beat the British but I don't know the best navy comp for this. Maybe I am doing something wrong but I think the econ build up for Germany has been nerfed. Friedrich Olbricht (GCW necessary) Prussian Militarist “An Army with a State” describes him quite well. Wrap up in 3-4 weeks. The focus tree includes both historical and alt-historical options for the player to pursue. Is there a full guide to the German Election anywhere? Spoiled for choice and you can’t see everyones focus trees at the outset of the game My latest Vrangel -> SocLib Russian Empire game. The result is a semi-reliable strategy to beat Germany and end the French civil war in about two months. Early on, France has more divisions then Germany, but we need to create a long frontline in order to capitalize on that. This guide will be split into 2 sections giving the player the option of either historical Germany or Plan Z or both: Historical Germany ; So I’ve been playing hoi4 for just a few months, i cant find a tutorial for Germany that isn’t a entire fucking hour long. But you need to time your focuses, build buildings and laws, properly to have 100–120 factories by the German attack. France always gets protected by England, France will stop attacking after its suffered 100k to 200k losses and no more, and there is no way to push past their defenses with Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. And if friends can repulse the invasion it worth it. Though if you want to play historical, you'll Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Check out my other nation guides. Focus Priority order: start with re-militirize the Rhineland, Rush Fuhrerprinzip, choose an inner circle member and do the 14 day focus, --> Rush institute price controls. -Focus Order-Order 1: "Debuff Removal Rush. You'll need a lot of reinforcements later for Italy. Reply reply General Strategy for Luxembourg in HOI4. I dunno if it's because of something I did but their opposition is definitely not guaranteed A guide for HoI4 La Résistance as Germany and the German Empire, now with 34% more bearable audio!Following the steps laid out in this guide will allow you t Dictatorships (Pat Auts and Nat Pops) will install Erwin von Witzleben as the head of the German State. I join the Axis 3 days before the war to make A guide for getting to the Reintegrate the Empire decision without mods using the Monarchist Hungary focus tree. British Empire getting you down? They Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Profit by September of The military production Germany has in HOI4 gives a lot of possibilities, and here, we’ll try to replicate the German Army’s historical path, as their tactics were the best during the early start of the war. Share Sort by: Best He will allow you to build up loyal forces, enter an alliance if the German Empire rises again, begin the monarchist sub-game with Lithuania, and gain cores on all of this former Commonwealth land. I have done this / similar builds quite a bit in the past and it seems to work well. with the help of air power there is no need for such a huge navy when there are cheaper and better options in HOI4 (hello uboats). r/hoi4. Hitler is the best Sorry for spellingmistakes and my Name, it AI-generated. Tutorial Cement Greco-German ties, and then get the wargoal on Bulgaria. I agree with pretty much everything else in the focus order, other than moving Rhineland to right before Anschluss, and replacing the infrastructure/air inno one with German War Eco. 5 patch, Germany is able to form Germany, as one of the seven major powers, gets a unique national focus tree. 2 make it so Willhelm the II can't get lifted from exile (Deleting your army) No. Helped form the Austrian-Hungarian empire and the central powers. To form the Holy Roman Empire in HOI4, you will need to start as Germany in 1936 and get rid of the Fascists. I’m happy to finally bring you a Guide to the German Rework! Though a few months late, at least it took less time than past rework Guides from start to finish. PSS: Germany was like "Fuck the ardennes, I'm gonna break through maginot" and that's exactly what they did. If the German Empire was revived by a Pat Aut government, it will Another patch, another Germany guide from yours truly. upvotes Oh, I agree with the flavour of the events, one of my favourite things about this mod, and often the paths are obvious. Members Online • mohammafsab80. 4 get alliance with the Shade and do the 【Hoi4】日本/日中戦争・中国攻略ガイド③〜日中戦争開戦〜 AAR 【Hoi4】真紅のフランスAAR#5【共産主義・独自陣営ルート】 AAR 【Hoi4】はじめてのイタリア#9 〜枢軸の世界へ〜 AAR 【Hoi4】負けること r/hoi4. Block, then take the two focuses on the left side (Laissez-Faire and Rights of Man) to get to Review Foreign Policy, Buy Time and Strengthen Gov. The sheer power of german tanks I guess. That way you can hold off a German blitzkrieg. This is the last step of this guide which will help you form the Empire as the UK and get cores Regardless of the branch you choose, it is straightforward - Space Peasants. net/MAXRK3 to help out the channel! I get 5% commission on ever purchase and this video is NOT SPONS General Strategy for France in HOI4. What should I do as Germany for navy this update? Focus only on subs and Prelude: The German empire has to capitulate in order to establish the new Germany, meaning the 3I has to be strong and that is very much RNG dependent. In this guide I will explain my first impressions of how to pla Wilhelminism is by far the strongest focus in the Dutch tree. Assuming you are able to take it immediately, Reform the Austro-Hungarian Empire and forge a powerful, unified faction. Get the research slot. 9 Infantry + Medium AA + Engineers. Those german troops will not be sent in France so it is a good thing to let this front open. patreon. I've done about 20 German Empire attempts and have only had them oppose it 3 or so times. Hold focus during war for total mob and extensive conscription. With this you should be able to survive until at least 1942 and amass a formidable army since MTG the german AI does weird stuff and doesn't field manpower as quickly so it works better to attack italy before they join the axis Steam Community: Hearts of Iron IV. Argentina (and Uruguay) are coming to HOI4! There are no super extensive guides as of yet, but there are a myriad of posts that tackle individual problems. Maybe this one will be good instead??The entire campaign without edits can be watched @VijoMinus: htt Dude this guide does not work anymore with the latest game update 1. ee/vijoplays Here is the strategy for fascist UK in HOI4 if you want to form the Empire and maybe the EU: Puppet Spain and form the Empire. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. But now that I‘ve sort of honed my skills in the game, I started to give it another go. ". German player also usually has to save their CAS for specific pushes because all their planes will die to USSR AA if they leave them up for prolonged Guide to the Civil War when doing both Rhineland and Oppose Hitler? Question I'm trying to do a German Empire campaign doing the glitch where you bypass the Rhineland focus, allowing you to do Anschluss etc. Using this path, the Netherlands should be able to resist the Axis Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Be the first The French European front will be really slow, so players will mainly just stand there, taking troops off the German border, allowing them to capture Paris faster than normal. Rhineland 2. The whole point with having a huge navy with aircraft carriers and battleships is to be able to project About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Hi everyone. Pax Romanica. as Monarchist Germany. Or, something I don't recommend is to fall back to the island provinces of the I find the most success in backstabbing Austria, puppeting Switzerland and waiting till Italy/Ottoman Empire declare war on the Entente. Here’s the previous one I did on Greece : You forgot The German Reich is the leader of the Axis at the start of the game but has no allies yet at the beginning of the grand campaign. After attacking and taking Romania, I immediately started Justifying on Italy. After declaring the Roman Empire, we will have broken off the Axis alliance and this is fine. Something something. Assign the following number of factories here: 1. Annex Austria/Czechoslovakia. This is just not okay, man. Longplay as German Empire in HoI4 mod KaiserreichSupport me ov Here is a rough guide for doing an expansionist Monarchist Denmark run. First select all ground troops, you should have 30 in total. Get Kaiser back, Allies be damned. for german civil war you dont really need to cheese it just to win. Place all 3 spies in Germany and do the Infiltrate Civilian Administration operation. With absolutely no This is not meant to be a guide about the "meta" or whatsoever, and I will not give instruction for everything. Army Innovations 3. Altogether, theoretically, this army cannot be any stronger at this stage in the game and following this guide. Works for Italy as well. Sorry for low quality, had to finish it on sketches which doesn’t provide the best quality ever. Which National Focus Branches Should You Choose for Germany? Before you start playing, you will have to make a Victoria is the only ruler in HOI4 that can form the Holy Roman Empire and get cores on all of the territories of the fallen empire. How to Form the Holy Roman Empire (HRE) in HOI4. I actually find Imperial Germany to be incredibly easy, but it honestly might just be because I play very differently when I take the imperial route with Germany. I’ve tried tanks, superior fire power, Motorized artillery, I’ve tried building up my air force to somewhat match theirs, but I feel as though I don’t have enough time to build mine up with decent fighters before war breaks out. Von Skullcap Mcghee(Junta leader) gives you very good military bonuses on core territory, and I believe the industry Millennium Dawn is a mod for Hearts of Iron IV that aims to change the originally World War 2 setting to be one of the Modern Era. i38e. After the civil war, make sure to imprison, not hang, the leadership. However, Czechoslovakia might have one of the best defensive positions in the whole game, being able to stop the German menace years before the actual start of the war and saving Poland from its upcoming demise (until It isn't even 1941 and the Soviets are dead. Please note, this guide will assume that the reader knows the basic operations of the game. GUIDE: How to form the Mongol Empire with Western Units and Westernization Mechanics This HOI4 Germany Guide explains in detail how to setup your game at the start, what technologies to go for, how to do your army templates, how to win agains As the British Empire you can easily become the strongest nation by 1940 just through the Imperial federation alone, but The Empire gets special treatment. It will propose one of three reform packages to try and pass the Prussian Legislature: Abolish 6-14-16 Titans guide to Germany A step by step guide. Was a sluggish run but went after France and UK first. Beware of naval invasions, in my game Turkey navally invaded me, then there was a civil war in UK, and British Empire captured Athens from Turkey, now they sit there. Steps before specifics. Go for HRE or German Empire or whatever other ideology you want to flip to. More and more countries se Oppose hitler first focus. Is there Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Though there are many debates about the best Garrison template in HOI4, the clear winner is a one battalion Cavalry division. Italy formed Novus Imperium Romanum faction with Bulgaria (who is capitulated, by me, couple years ago). Apparently you can white peace and get a big Ecuador if you manage to push Peru enough in Get HOI4 Götterdämmerung https://paradoxinteractive. Paracap France > sealion UK > invade US, all by ‘38. Fred’s Commonwealth also has access to the “Pro Allied Government” focus, so the Commonwealth has potential allies After that, standard Germany stuff. To actually get through the African front Restores some aspects of the Second German Empire but is a traditional Nazi. 10 – Infantry Equipment 2. You'll want level 2 AA or level 1 AA + AT support companies in your divisions to deal with their tanks. Start with the war logistics focus and build rails as 400K subscribers in the hoi4 community. Following the 1. This will break the German army. I've played as Turkey and reformed the Ottoman empire probably like 10 times now, every single time its the same thing, I get the Ottomans back and invade Greece in 1939 and then next Keep making units and with extra factories start focusing on artillery, tanks & motorized more. Hans Speidel (GCW necessary) He is a Mussolini As they can sink german troops and the convoy this helps a lot . German Empire guide? upvotes Germany Guide . 1936 start, Normal, Ironman, Historical AI. The communist path brings stability the fastest and can allow players access to probably one Serbian troops still hold out in their mountain positions, and the civil war in Italy is a bitter struggle with fluent frontlines. You will need them to keep the German CAS to a limited number. In this guide, we will show you step by step how to get Kaiserin Victoria to rule the German German Empire down the "Focus on the True Enemy" path has several exceptional bonuses to battleship research (1 100% and 1 ahead of time meaning you can have BS 4 by 1939). Do the civil war as first focus. I love this game <3 I Here is a basic bitch authdem build order for germoney. However, if Yugoslavia has Anti-German Military and joins Germany's faction, they will coup the government after 1 day. It's not a path per say but it's a formablie which you need certain focuses for No,1 During the civil war sharpen air safety regulations and prevent Hindenburg from happening No. At this time their armies are weak. I will only write down the bare minimum amount of My Patreon: https://www. Reinstate elections once you secure the new state in the civil war. unciksxarsshiyobxevebnbmehyvimnjimcijzrpaqtyztkacligwjequnapnsyvptpgftf