How is el salvador now. May 10, 2024 · Denuncias en el régimen.
How is el salvador now Gracias a sus videos en Tik Tok, donde denunciaba el estado en que los alumnos recibían las clases, Educación tomó nota y la incluyó en la lista de escuelas a Jan 2, 2025 · The month saw only one homicide and 30 days without violent deaths. The authoritarian regime has become a dictatorship. In this interview, he asserts that their detentions are politically motivated and related to the reactivation of metallic Feb 1, 2025 · Since 2020, El Salvador had remained the nation with the highest country risk indicator in the region, even reaching one of the highest levels of the Asamblea Legislativa (Legislative Assembly). S. 1% physical violence, 29. Nov 10, 2024 · Desde entonces, Gaetz ha encabezado la creación del Caucus de El Salvador en el Congreso de Estados Unidos, junto con otros republicanos MAGA. 25% de las actas. Jan 17, 2025 · It was light that arrived. The increase in rooming house rooms in the country indicates that the quality of life has not significantly improved in nearly two decades. — Las graves violaciones de derechos humanos en El Salvador bajo el régimen de excepción, que cumple mil días el Oct 16, 2024 · A report prepared by international forensic experts highlights irregularities in the hospital care provided in El Salvador and the investigation following the death of Nayib Bukele’s former National Security Advisor, Alejandro Muyshondt, according to a statement from Human Rights Watch (HRW) on Tuesday (15. A recent Amnesty International documentary provides new testimonies. Jan 15, 2025 · The banking sector's liquidity reserve in El Salvador remains below the levels seen before the economic crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. ; There has been a reduction in violence and an overall improvement in security. Dec 27, 2023 · It is workers' money that the government borrows to pay current retirees. Feb 3, 2025 · El Salvador has agreed to house violent US criminals and receive deportees of any nationality, US Secretary of State Marco Rubio announced Monday, in an unprecedented – and legally problematic El Salvador Now was created on September 29, 2021, by a group of Salvadoran citizens concerned about the deterioration of democracy in their country and the need to establish communication links with people and institutions abroad. In view of the bilateral bank spring meetings in Washington, DC, it is also unclear what conditions the Salvadoran delegation will arrive at its meeting with the Fund. 2% of women believe El Salvador is unsafe for them. — El ahora presidente de facto, Nayib Bukele, y su clan familiar se entronizan por encima de nuestras leyes sin que haya, de hecho, ninguna institución Nov 10, 2024 · "Crook," "Lucky," and "Greñas" are accused of ordering murders, extortions, and drug trafficking in the United States from prisons in El Salvador. 2024). — Precisamente, Trump ha ido al encuentro de Putin sobre quien pesa una orden de captura desde La Haya por 6 days ago · Cofappes has documented the cases, highlighting that Eugenio Chicas faces "double jeopardy," as he already has an ongoing legal procedure without a final ruling for the same crime: illicit enrichment. by the gang leader Élmer Canales Rivera, alias Crook, may haunt them when they are no longer in power, says Óscar Martínez. “El Grupo de Trabajo examinó y transmitió al Gobierno de El Salvador los casos de desaparición (de los 12 expedientes). JPMorgan Chase & Co. 5 days ago · The promised paradise has been swallowed by corruption and the ruin of public finances. Data from the Central Reserve Bank (BCR) indicate that growth during this period was only 1. Following the accident on September 8, where eight security cabinet officials died after the helicopter transporting Coto crashed, questions remain not only about the Cosavi case but also about the future of the Police. El informe “El modelo Bukele: seguridad sin derechos humanos. 5% cada uno), por Honduras (3. — El Gobierno de El Salvador actúa como si no lo supiera, pero lo que revele en EE. La supermayoría del partido gobernante en la Asamblea Legislativa, sumada a su historial de impulsar cambios legales significativos con poca Dec 30, 2024 · El experto detalló cuántas plazas menos habrá en distintos hospitales del Gran San Salvador. 413 billion to workers who contribute to the AFPs, putting at risk the retirement of thousands of people expecting a dignified retirement. Resorting to the Pension Fund could be an alternative "not to issue debt" for current expenses. — Una encuesta realizada en 2022 en cuatro estados de EEUU reveló que el 60 % de los salvadoreños entrevistados en consulados tiene la May 15, 2024 · La familia del ambientalista recibió una llamada de Centros Penales indicando que el jóven sería entregado este día en el centro penal de Izalco, y después de varias horas de espera la familia Morales se pudo reunir. It is bordered on the northeast by Honduras, on the northwest by Guatemala, and on the south by the Pacific Ocean. Sep 1, 2024 · Socorro Jurídico Humanitario (Humanitarian Legal Aid) has recorded this figure since the start of the state of exception on March 27, 2022, to date. En el hospital Zacamil, comparado con el 2024, habrá 92 plazas menos; en el Hospital Nacional de la Mujer: Doctora “María Isabel Rodríguez”, habrá 115 plazas menos, de personal de salud; en el Hospital El Salvador, 552 plazas menos; en el Nov 15, 2023 · VAMOS party deputy, Claudia Ortiz, presented an initiative on Tuesday requesting the creation of an Anti-Truce Commission, to investigate the release of Elmer Canales, alias "Crook," a leader of MS who was detained in El Salvador but was clandestinely freed. Bukele expressed optimism, stating that if every month had mirrored December, El Salvador could potentially compete for the title of the safest country in the world. — Un reporte clave elaborado por el Ministerio de Hacienda refleja la relación entre la deuda pública y el tamaño de la economía. It is undoubtedly more safe…places where you couldn’t even dare go because they were run by gangs…are now safe for not just locals but even tourists…the only downside is that El Salvador is not a police state…so there really is only one gang that runs El Salvador at this point Sep 13, 2024 · A study by Ceoworld Magazine evaluating the health systems of 110 countries, published on April 2, 2024, was recently picked up by various media outlets and social media accounts in El Salvador. Dec 6, 2024 · On December 6, 2024, the validity of the latest decree extending the state of exception comes to an end. — Durante la COP16, el Gobierno de El Salvador mostró que no tiene mucho interés en proteger su Dec 11, 2024 · Now, the LAPOP study confirms these findings. Dec 24, 2024 · At the proposal of Nayib Bukele, the Legislative Assembly of El Salvador lifted the ban on metallic mining that had been in effect for six years. Jan 13, 2025 · Now serving a second five-year term after a landslide re-election victory last February, Bukele’s ambitions stretch far beyond making El Salvador safe. We consider this debt repurchase opportunistic and akin to a liability management operation. Department of State report regarding human rights abuse claims that have taken place in El Salvador under the state of exception, implemented since March 2022. — Ana y Karla, como muchas otras mujeres de San Martín, municipio de San Salvador Este, buscaron un futuro 1 day ago · A key report prepared by the Ministerio de Hacienda (Ministry of Finance) shows the ratio between public debt and the size of the economy. — Este 6 de diciembre de 2024 finaliza la vigencia del último decreto de prórroga del régimen de excepción. Y se suman más de $1,200 millones en préstamos ya contratados. — Cofappes ha documentado los casos y señalan que el de Eugenio Chicas es un "doble juzgamiento" tras tener un proceso sin sentencia firme por el mismo delito, que es enriquecimiento ilícito. Además, 900 en el Ministerio de Cultura y otros 900 en la Asamblea Legislativa. Oct 31, 2024 · According to the government, next year's revenues will be 10. Oct 14, 2024 · Following the most recent case, advocates and organizations point to a lack of government interest in addressing the issue. 9 billion in treasury bills if current revenues fall short, and over $1. Their stories, marred by risks and deportation, reveal the harsh reality of female migration and the struggle to rebuild their lives back home. Al menos 4 days ago · Ana and Karla, like many other women from San Martín, a municipality in eastern San Salvador, sought a better future in the United States. Jan 10, 2025 · Despite the erosion of institutional frameworks, Salvadorans perceive that democracy is now functioning, thanks to achievements in security. Nov 21, 2023 · The Government of El Salvador acts as if it doesn't know, but what is revealed in the U. President Nayib Bukele’s party secured approval despite opposition criticisms that he aims to consolidate even more power. In this column, economist Julia Evelyn Martínez explains what this analogy means and why it will be especially damaging to the most vulnerable populations. 48% mayores que en el presente. — El Salvador perdió la democracia en 2024 al estudiar los criterios que la conforman, acorde a voces expertas. Sep 13, 2023 · According to figures released by the government itself, out of 72,000 arrested during the state of emergency, over 7,000 people have been released. la deuda podría llegar al 28. UU. — La Asamblea Legislativa de El Salvador ratificó hoy un tratado con Cuba para el cumplimiento de condenas penales en los países de origen. En un mes utilizó lo que tenía 2 days ago · Complying with the recommendations of GAFI (Grupo de Acción Financiera Internacional) (Financial Action Task Force (FATF)) regarding anti–money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism is among the conditions the country must fulfill. Jun 13, 2024 · The economist asserted that the increase in property prices becomes "normal" in countries with few investment alternatives. — El Salvador cerró 2024 con un récord mínimo de 114 homicidios, según cifras oficiales celebradas por el presidente Nayib Bukele, quien aseguró que el país centroamericano es Feb 27, 2024 · Through a discussion, the landscape that the press could face in Salvadoran territory after Bukele's re-election was exposed. Corn and beans are the daily fare for those who can grow them. Sep 2, 2023 · “Así como el gobierno mejoró artificialmente las cifras de deuda al eliminar la deuda de pensiones de la deuda total, con una deuda que cayó de $25,700 millones de dólares a $19,600 millones de dólares mes tras mes, la mejora en el desempeño fiscal de El Salvador también es resultado de la reforma de las pensiones…”, apunta. 7%. Nuestra nación estará a la zaga. The biggest impact was due to maquila exports, which decreased by 23. Desde el 27 de marzo de 2022, el régimen de excepción en El Salvador ha suspendido derechos y garantías constitucionales bajo la excusa de reducir la violencia criminal. The survey assesses regional perceptions, with El Salvador closely trailing behind the established Nicaraguan dictatorship. Additionally, a survey reveals that 85. Experts note that the impact is particularly significant in rural areas, as that is where extreme poverty in the country is concentrated. Dec 12, 2024 · Economist Mauricio Choussy states there are signs of a slowdown, with the economy growing primarily due to consumption and especially public investment. Dec 9, 2024 · El Salvador’s sovereign bonds are now trading around face value, with a big rally having closed a steep discount which existed previously. Since March 2022, more than 84,000 people have been arrested, many with little to no due process. " This time, the harsh treatment refers to the country's economic situation. The ambush at the White House against Ukraine's leader is now proverbial in international politics. 48% higher than the present. — En términos porcentuales los tipos de violencia registrados para el periodo 2012-2022 se consolidan 30,1 % hechos de violencia física y 29,8 % violencia psicológica y la violencia Dec 17, 2024 · Two experts from University of El Salvador discuss the scientific perspective on potential mining projects and warn about environmental risks. WOLA highlights that the measure has shifted from a security measure to state policy. Debt could reach 28. — Socorro Jurídico ha registrado esa cifra desde el inicio del régimen de excepción, el 27 de marzo de 2022, hasta la fecha. Sep 12, 2024 · In percentage terms, the types of violence recorded for the period 2012-2022 break down as 30. — Dos informes recientes recogen la muerte de unas 300 personas, la detención arbitraria de miles de menores y reportes de torturas en las prisiones salvadoreñas. El partido Nuevas Ideas de Bukele acumulaba 1,662,313 votos, mientras que el izquierdista FMLN 139,025 y el derechista Arena 122,926. Nov 29, 2024 · The government of El Salvador will indeed use the remainder of the $1 billion in bonds issued in November for current expenditures, according to the explanation given by Suecy Callejas, lawmaker of Nuevas Ideas and Vice President of the Legislative Assembly, in the report incorporating these funds into the 2024 General Budget of the Nation. Confidence in Bukele's government has led citizens to sacrifice the independence of institutions in exchange for immediate results, as revealed by the 2024 AmericasBarometer. states revealed that 60% of Salvadorans interviewed at consulates intend to return "at any time" to the country, although only 6% wish to return within less than 5 years. Entre las principales denuncias del sector también están el retraso en la entrega de presupuesto, impago a los proveedores y la constante represión a los miembros sindicalistas. Dec 1, 2024 · “The relationship between China and El Salvador, unfortunately, seems destined to grow ever more dangerously stronger,” Fleischman concluded. — Congreso salvadoreño ratifica la reforma que permitirá cambiar Jan 17, 2025 · El crecimiento económico se acelerará en América Latina; El Salvador será el que menos crecerá El crecimiento económico mundial se mantendrá estable en 2025 pero en América Latina se acelerará hasta el 2. — Homeboys hondureños: Jessel Recinos (izquierda), un exmiembro de pandilla que se convirtió en mentor, trabaja con jóvenes en Mar 4, 2025 · Asimismo, El Fondo destaca que el futuro de El Salvador dependerá de su capacidad para implementar reformas efectivas y atraer inversiones que permitan un crecimiento sostenible y equitativo. Su madre sigue en prisión. — Entre las víctimas está una bebé que acababa de salir para ser cuidada por una tía, pero su salud estaba deteriorada. Those affected are urging the continuation of the return process, as many are facing health and financial issues. Feb 5, 2025 · El Salvador President Nayib Bukele has made the country’s stark, harsh prisons a trademark of his aggressive fight against crime. Feb 3, 2024 · Increasingly louder voices are denouncing the deterioration of human rights under Bukele's government. Dec 24, 2024 · El mes pasado, el presidente compartió en redes sociales que estudios realizados en sólo el 4% del territorio salvadoreño donde es posible la minería habían identificado depósitos de oro por un valor de alrededor de $132 mil millones, equivalentes a aproximadamente el 380% del producto interno bruto de El Salvador. In the past three years, 210,456 people have fallen into extreme poverty, meaning they do not make enough to cover the costs of basic staples, and rarely, if ever, eat Jan 30, 2025 · The Salvadoran Congress ratified on Wednesday a constitutional amendment that will specifically simplify the process for modifying the Constitution, requiring only one legislative vote instead of two. Nov 21, 2023 · In El Salvador, more than a quarter of the population of 6. Funds may be redirected toward current expenditures. — El consorcio Observa El Salvador (OES) presentó este 29 de mayo el informe final sobre la labor de observación del proceso electoral Jan 3, 2025 · El Salvador concluded 2024 with a record low of 114 homicides, according to official figures celebrated by President Nayib Bukele, who asserted that the Central American country is the safest in the hemisphere. 8% psychological violence, and sexual violence accounted for 27. “La comunidad internacional y los ciudadanos estarán atentos a los próximos pasos del gobierno en este camino hacia la recuperación y el desarrollo Nov 15, 2024 · Furthermore, they warn that the death of a negotiator and signatory of the Peace Accords at the hands of the State would be a magnicide and an unamendable and imprescriptible crime against humanity in international criminal courts. Ese día Reynaldo salió de madrugada desde Soyapango con la ilusión de regresar con su hijo a la vivienda, donde hace más de dos años fue sacado Jan 20, 2024 · Almost a sixth of the Salvadoran population cannot afford to buy meat, eggs, or dairy products. — La Asamblea Legislativa de El Salvador, dominada por el partido oficialista del presidente Nayib Bukele, Nuevas Ideas (NI), ratificó este Dec 30, 2024 · El decreto “Reforma a las Disposiciones Especiales Transitorias para la Participación de la Fuerza Armada en Operaciones de Mantenimiento de la Paz Interna” consigna que el Ejército podrá apoyar a la PNC hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2025 en “operaciones de mantenimiento de la paz interna, la tranquilidad y la seguridad pública, por Oct 23, 2024 · Predicts that the country will grow by 3% that year. House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs, WOLA’s Director for Central America, Ana María Méndez Dardón, addressed the state of the judicial system in El Salvador and the lack of justice for victims of human rights violations. Her mother remains in prison. Jul 7, 2023 · Among the victims is a baby who had just been released to be cared for by an aunt, but her health deteriorated. The unjustified absences of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at high-level events, the low profile of negotiating officials, and complete silence towards the press all attest to this. — Dos expertos de la UES hablan desde el conocimiento científico sobre la posible explotación minera y alertan de riesgo por daño ambiental. This means they face several colliding problems such as poor health, malnutrition, or little schooling. Experts affirm that such interventions have not only heritage implications but also social and economic ones. Fondos podrían ir a gasto corriente. Expertos señalan el especial impacto en la zona, pues concentra la pobreza Feb 8, 2025 · The closure of educational centers in El Salvador has a significant impact on the student population, according to sociologist and professor Roberto López, also coordinator of the Observatorio Universitario de Derechos Humanos (OUDH) (University Human Rights Observatory) at the Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas (UCA) (José Simeón Cañas Central American University). Detection of any level of alcohol can result in detention. Feb 21, 2025 · El miércoles que Jonatan cruzó el último portón del penal de Santa Ana fue en parte, el logro de un padre que tocó hasta la última puerta en su intento de demostrar la inocencia de su hijo. This episode has finally opened the eyes of European leaders. 3% del PIB en 2027. Recurrir al Fondo de Pensiones podría ser una alternativa para "no emitir deuda" para gasto corriente. Nuevas Ideas in the plenary denied their votes to consider the parliamentarian's proposal. They emphasize that academia should serve as a platform for contributing knowledge. 3% of GDP by 2027. Feb 4, 2025 · Stay on top of El Salvador latest developments on the ground with Al Jazeera’s fact-based news, exclusive video footage, photos and updated maps. Feb 12, 2024 · It all began in late July 2023, when he made two allegations against former Nuevas Ideas Deputy Erick García. Consideramos esta Jan 29, 2025 · At least nine programs focused on employment, investment, education, gender, and transparency in the country have been affected by the three-month suspension ordered by the Trump administration. Jan 1, 2025 · El Salvador closed 2024 with a record low 114 homicides, continuing notable security gains under a second full year of a state of emergency that has given the government extraordinary powers and curtailed some fundamental rights. El peso de la deuda es hoy más grande que en 2020. — Entre enero y octubre de 2024, el monto de lo tomado fue $9 millones más que en 2023, lo que marca un aumento del 1% respecto al mismo periodo. — El Frente Magisterial Salvadoreño (FMS) dijo que los sectores más afectados, con el cierre de las escuelas, son las zonas rurales, donde el acceso a la educación se vuelve más complicado. 97. 45%. Dec 12, 2024 · The Legislative Assembly of El Salvador ratified on Wednesday a treaty with Cuba, meant to enforce criminal sentences in the respective countries of origin. Según la Bolsa de Valores de El Salvador, el banco comercial estatal emitió alrededor de $225 millones en nuevos bonos en 2023 y los reportes bursátiles mostraron que las AFP han sido las principales compradoras de estos instrumentos financieros. It will take at least another three years to reach some measure of financial stability. — Un estudio de la revista Ceoworld Magazine que evalúa los sistemas de salud de 110 países publicado el 2 de abril de 2024 fue retomado por varios medios de comunicación y cuentas de la red May 30, 2024 · The Observa El Salvador (OES) consortium presented its final report on the observation of the 2024 electoral process on May 29 and reiterated that this competition was marked by inequity, a situation that ultimately favored a particular political party. The Police demand daily quotas of detainees from their agents to fill President Bukele’s prisons. — Al menos nueve programas sobre empleo, inversión, educación, género y transparencia en el país han sido afectados con la suspensión por tres meses ordenada por la administración Trump. — Jul 20, 2023 · The incorporation of two former presidents of El Salvador into the Engel List and former employees of the Mortgage Bank linked to corruption allegations against the presidents received various interpretations from voices in civil society, who considered the nominations as an action that should be read between the lines. 2% en 2024, “a medida que Argentina se recupere, las tasas de interés se normalicen y baje la Mar 18, 2024 · The truth is that, for now, El Salvador has not closed its negotiations with the IMF, which Bukele’s government promised to reactivate after the 2024 election cycle. Mar 13, 2024 · A report by ECLAC placed El Salvador among the countries with the highest rate of femicide in 2022. A new law, swiftly approved, authorizes the state to explore, exploit, extract, and process the country's natural resources in partnership with private companies. With another debt that has been accumulating since 2006, it now totals $9,406. Oct 3, 2024 · The government may issue up to $1. — Asimismo advierten que la muerte de un negociador y firmante de los Acuerdos de Paz en manos del Estado sería un magnicidio y un crimen de lesa humanidad El Salvador Bitcoin Advisor Max Keiser Predicts BTC to $100,000 in a Few Hours and $120,000 This Month The Crypto Basic 08:07 Yesterday Mangroves at risk as El Salvador begins work on new airport Mongabay 23:09 Thu, 06 Mar 1 day ago · Precisely, Trump has reached out to Putin, against whom an arrest warrant from The Hague for war crimes remains in effect. 1%. Sep 27, 2023 · A survey conducted in 2022 in four U. — La diputada por el partido VAMOS, Claudia Nov 5, 2024 · La entidad también ubicó otra estrategia usada por el ISP, a través del Banco Hipotecario. 4%, less than half of what was recorded in the first quarter when it reached 3% (with the figure revised upwards), and almost a third of the growth in the second quarter of 2023, which was 4. Timezone: America/El_Salvador. Con otra deuda que acumula desde 2006, suma $9,406. — Desde marzo de 2022, la canasta de alimentos en la zona urbana de El Salvador ha subido $43. — El Salvador ofreció recomprar sus bonos con vencimiento entre 2027 y 2034 a precios ligeramente superiores al mercado y cercanos a los valores nominales. — “Crook”, “Lucky” y “Greñas” están acusados de ordenar homicidios, extorsiones y tráfico de drogas en Estados Unidos Sep 19, 2023 · Following the announcement of the sixth phase of the Territorial Control Plan (PCT), security and grassroots work specialists view investing in integration positively but hope for social involvement. Un reciente documental de Amnistía Internacional aporta nuevos testimonios. UTC offset: calculating Dec 15, 2024 · El Salvador lost its democracy in 2024 when examining the criteria that define it, according to expert voices. 1 day ago · Daily El Salvador updates for those passionate about supporting democracy, upholding the rule of law, and fostering diversity in our society. In that San Salvador of the early 90s, a city surrounded by war, small glimmers, which I imagine as the oil lanterns barely illuminating cobblestone streets in Gothic novels, had already begun to reveal themselves. Oct 23, 2024 · Antonio Pacheco is one of the five environmentalists from Cabañas released on Friday by the Sensuntepeque Sentencing Court. El Salvador's capital and largest city is San Salvador. The 43-year-old president is using skills he learnt as an advertising executive to woo international investors by rebranding a small, impoverished country that lacks natural resources as a 1 day ago · According to the updated budget execution report for the first month of the year, the Chivo Pets veterinary hospital spent $2 million. Jan 30, 2025 · The Legislative Assembly of El Salvador (Asamblea Legislativa de El Salvador), dominated by President Nayib Bukele’s ruling party, Nuevas Ideas (NI), ratified on Wednesday a controversial reform that allows fast-track changes to the Constitution. — Un informe de la Cepal ubicó a El Salvador entre los países con mayor tasa de feminicidios en el año 2022. The case is still in the stage of preliminary incidents without a defined start for a possible trial in New York. 5 days ago · The IMF has scheduled the publication of an actuarial study for July this year and the presentation of a pension reform proposal in early 2026. One year later, the information was withheld, and there are no official data. — Según el gobierno, los ingresos del otro año serán 10. — El FMI agendó la publicación de un estudio actuarial para julio de este año y la presentación de la propuesta de reforma de pensiones a inicios de 2026. The usual happens: young people arrested because an agent saw them “nervous”; neighbors denouncing neighbors for gang ties; taxi drivers accusing their competition to get rid of them Dec 6, 2024 · Last July, CAF approved loans of $465 million for El Salvador for the construction of the Pacific International Airport, the renovation of the Ilopango airport, and the deployment of the country's first submarine cable. — A pesar de la erosión en la institucionalidad, los salvadoreños perciben Jan 28, 2025 · The UN has reviewed El Salvador's human rights record, with civil society, UN bodies and many States calling for the lifting of the state of emergency which, according to civil society groups, has led to the arbitrary detention of thousands of people. — Las obras que se Sep 11, 2024 · William Duncan, the United States ambassador to El Salvador, announced yesterday on the social media of the diplomatic representation that his country will send a group of experts to assist in the investigation of the helicopter crash that occurred on the night of Sunday, September 9, in which nine people died, including the director of the Policía Nacional Civil (National Civil Police Jun 3, 2024 · The now de facto president, Nayib Bukele, and his family clan enthrone themselves above our laws without, in fact, any institution capable of imposing limits on their constitutional abuse. 3 million now lives in multidimensional poverty, according to the World Food Programme (WFP). Feb 19, 2025 · Until recently, El Salvador has been plagued by violence and political infighting stemming from the country’s civil war (1979-92). Ni siquiera es necesario entrar en el debate sobre el maquillaje de la tasa oficial que hace el Gobierno: excluyeron, por ejemplo, los 38 homicidios que cometieron las fuerzas de seguridad en May 10, 2024 · Denuncias en el régimen. — En julio pasado, el CAF aprobó préstamos por 465 millones para El Salvador para la construcción del Aeropuerto Internacional del Pacífico, la remodelación del Dec 18, 2024 · Between January and October 2024, the amount withdrawn exceeded the figure from 2023 by $9 million, reflecting a 1% increase compared to the same period. 55 mill. — Desde julio de 2021, previo al último incremento del salario mínimo, se alzó en un 23%. Dec 29, 2024 · El Salvador bajó tres puntos en índice de Estado de Derecho este 2024. Oct 17, 2024 · JPMorgan concluye acuerdo de canje de deuda por $1,000 millones para El Salvador. — Las autoridades mexicanas habrían capturado a un alto mando de una pandilla Dec 20, 2024 · El acuerdo técnico con el FMI está sujeto a aprobación ante el Directorio Ejecutivo del Fondo, donde Estados Unidos es uno de los principales accionistas y los analistas de mercado esperan que las negociaciones sean a favor de El Salvador por la relación de amistad entre el presidente electo Donald Trump con Nayib Bukele. El Salvador has zero tolerance for driving under the influence of alcohol. The organization publicly urged the three branches of the Salvadoran government to protect natural resources and ensure human rights to water Nov 27, 2024 · El 12 de noviembre de este año, a través de la referencia G/SO/217/SLV, este Grupo solicitó información al Estado salvadoreño sobre las denuncias de estas desapariciones ocurridas en el marco del régimen de excepción. — Vaticina que el país crecerá en un 3% ese año. Dec 19, 2023 · According to a public opinion study by the Chilean organization Latinobarometer, Salvadorans are satisfied with democracy but fear expressing their opinions about the country's issues. In just one month, it expended what it had budgeted for two and a half months. Bukele commented last week on the twin rallies in Salvador bond prices and bitcoin, saying: “This is the first time in history that Bitcoin has driven sovereign bonds up in traditional markets”. 5%, en comparación con el 2. — A través de un conversatorio se expuso el panorama al que se podría enfrentar la prensa en el territorio salvadoreño posterior a la reelección de Bukele. southern border. — Según estudio de opinión pública de la Corporación Latinobarómetro, de origen chilena, salvadoreños están satisfechos con la democracia, pero temen emitir sus opiniones sobre los problemas del país. Mar 22, 2023 · Nayib Bukele’s government officials could be tried in the future by the International Criminal Court. Oct 8, 2024 · Movimiento de Víctimas del Régimen (MOVIR) (Movement of Victims of the Regime), the Popular Resistance Bloc, and Unidad de Defensa de Derechos Humanos y Comunitarios de El Salvador (UNIDEHC) (Unit for the Defense of Human and Community Rights of El Salvador) went to the Supreme Court of Justice to submit a document with multiple demands and complaints about restrictions and non-compliance Jan 10, 2025 · The Salvadoran government started this year with a debt exceeding $32 billion. El Salvador bajó tres posiciones en el Índice de Estado de Derecho del World Justice Project (WJP, por sus siglas en inglés) en 2024 respecto a 2023, quedando en la posición 111 de las 142 naciones evaluadas. — Todo comenzó a finales de julio de 2023, cuando hizo dos señalamientos contra el exdiputado de Nuevas Ideas, Erick García. — Economistas consultados sostienen que la administración de Nayib Bukele ya está tomando decisiones que afectan la economía de los hogares, sobre todo, de los más vulnerables. 55 million. — El paraíso prometido se lo tragó la corrupción y el desastre de las finanzas públicas. 2 billion in already contracted loans will be added. From 2019 to date, 646 femicides have been recorded in the country. Jan 27, 2024 · Teachers report that more than a year has passed since the deadline for the educational sector to enjoy a salary adjustment, and they assure that their requests have not been addressed by the authorities. However, according to consulted economists, this increase is not consistent with the numbers recorded by the Salvadoran economy. Jul 12, 2024 · During his speech after taking office for a second unconstitutional term, Nayib Bukele announced new "bitter medicine. 1 day ago · Honduran Homeboys: Jessel Recinos (left), a former gang member-turned-mentor, works with at-risk kids in violence-plagued San Pedro Sula, Honduras, in 2015 as part of USAID efforts to steer youths away from criminal groups — and the U. One week later, he was arrested and accused of several crimes. — La captura de Manuel Coto pretendía resolver Jan 21, 2025 · In December 2022, El Salvador approved a pension system reform that failed to address any of the issues a change of this nature should tackle: increasing the number of contributors (and thus, the resources of the pension fund), expanding the coverage of beneficiaries (those who effectively manage to retire), and ensuring the long-term sustainability of the entire system. Dec 5, 2023 · Key Takeaways: El Salvador has become safer compared to three years ago. — Cada vez se oyen voces más fuertes que denuncian el deterioro de los derechos humanos bajo el gobierno de Bukele. Sin embargo, para economistas consultados, dicha subida no es coherente con los números registrados por la economía salvadoreña. — Acatar las recomendaciones del GAFI sobre anti lavado de dinero y contra del financiamiento del terrorismo son de las condiciones que debe Aug 22, 2024 · Since March 2022, the food basket in urban areas of El Salvador has increased by $43. — Según la actualización de ejecución presupuestaria del primer mes del año, el hospital veterinario Chivo Pets gastó $2 millones. In total, 3,346 stories have been published about El Salvador which Ground News has aggregated in the past 3 months. Una semana Jan 29, 2024 · At the end of the year, the drop in foreign shipments represented 8. Oct 4, 2024 · For the thirty-first time, Nuevas Ideas and its allies in the Legislative Assembly approved the extension of the state of exception decree, which suspends constitutional guarantees such as the right to defense, the duration of administrative detention, and the inviolability of correspondence and telecommunications. Señalan que la Dec 21, 2024 · The Salvadoran Ecological Unit (Unidad Ecológica Salvadoreña, UNES) warns that reactivating metallic mining in the country would have severe environmental consequences, potentially leading to the loss of at least one-third of El Salvador's territory. Dec 12, 2024 · In her testimony at “The State of Exception in El Salvador: Taking Stock” hearing before the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission of the U. Jul 6, 2024 · Economists consulted argue that Nayib Bukele's administration is already making decisions that affect household economies, especially impacting the most vulnerable. — El economista Mauricio Choussy asegura que hay signos de desaceleración, que la economía crece por el consumo y sobre todo la inversión pública. El Salvador a dos años del régimen de excepción”, realizado por organizaciones sociales y de derechos humanos, señala que de marzo de 2022 a marzo de 2024 se recibieron 6,305 denuncias de posibles violaciones a derechos humanos. — El cierre de casas de la Cultura, los despidos masivos, el atropello al arte, la elección de un nuevo ministro de Cultura y una supuesta "Reconstrucción" de esta cartera de Estado Oct 12, 2024 · Según datos del Banco Mundial, El Salvador será el país de Centroamérica que menos crecerá en 2025. Feb 13, 2025 · The ruling party’s existing supermajority in the Legislative Assembly, coupled with its history of pushing through significant legal changes with minimal consultation, indicates that this trend is likely to continue under the new procedure. el líder pandillero Élmer Canales Rivera, alias Crook, puede perseguirlos cuando ya Sep 23, 2024 · El Salvador is among the 15 countries in the world that abstained this Sunday from supporting the “Pact for the Future,” an agreement adopted by the member states of the United Nations Organization providing for 56 “actions” to tackle the “greatest challenges of our era,” including peacekeeping, climate change, and potential threats of artificial intelligence (AI). — Desde 2020, El Salvador se mantenía como la nación con el indicador de riesgo país más alto de la región, y llegó a ser de los más altos de Asamblea Legislativa. El personal técnico del FMI y las autoridades de El Salvador han llegado a un acuerdo a nivel técnico sobre un nuevo programa en el marco del Servicio Ampliado del FMI (SAF) por unos US$1,4 mil millones para respaldar la agenda de reformas del gobierno. — "La relación entre China y El Salvador, desafortunadamente, parece destinada a volverse cada vez más peligrosamente fuerte," concluyó Fleischman. The dominant reason is family reunification. They were accused by the Attorney General's Office of a murder which occurred in August 1989, and of illicit associations during the armed conflict. 4 days ago · El Servicio Social Pasionista, aliado de la Organización Mundial Contra la Tortura (OMCT), documenta y denuncia los abusos policiales, promoviendo la defensa de la vida. Un año después la información fue reservada y no hay datos oficiales. WOLA señala que el régimen pasó de una medida de seguridad a una política de Estado. — De acuerdo a cifras divulgadas por el mismo gobierno, de 72,000 capturados durante el régimen se han liberado más de 7,000 personas. Jul 22, 2024 · Two recent reports document the deaths of around 300 people, the arbitrary detention of thousands of minors, and reports of torture in Salvadoran prisons. In 2024, the Jan 25, 2025 · The Frente Magisterial Salvadoreño (FMS) (Salvadoran Teachers’ Front) said that the most affected areas, with the closure of schools, are rural zones where access to education becomes more difficult. — El presidente del INDES anunció que la infraestructura que debía ser entregada hace cuatro meses ahora será utilizada en el Programa LaLiga. Nov 29, 2023 · The president of INDES announced that the infrastructure, which was supposed to be handed over four months ago, will now be used in the LaLiga Program. Nov 10, 2023 · Mexican authorities have captured a top Salvadoran gang leader who had been secretly released from an El Salvador prison and had fled the country. While the government touted the reduction in homicides and crimes as achievements, countries such as Germany, Canada, and the United Kingdom expressed concerns over Dec 31, 2024 · The closure of Casas de la Cultura, mass layoffs, attacks on the arts, the appointment of a new Minister of Culture, and a supposed "Reconstruction" of this government portfolio made headlines in 2024. — A propuesta de Nayib Bukele, la Asamblea Legislativa de El Salvador eliminó la Dec 19, 2024 · El FMI llega a un acuerdo técnico con El Salvador sobre un Servicio Ampliado del Fondo. Jan 28, 2025 · Since July 2021, prior to the last increase in the minimum wage, it went up by 23%. Después de 17 meses de prisión, las autoridades no presentaron elementos que lo vinculen con hechos delictivos. Sep 24, 2024 · The arrest of Manuel Coto was intended to resolve a million-dollar embezzlement case involving the Cooperativa Santa Victoria. For the country’s poorest families, even rice is not an option. Afectados Current time and information about El Salvador. ; Improved safety is the result of enhanced security measures and crime prevention initiatives. The country's population in 2024 was estimated to be 6 million according to a Sep 28, 2024 · The Salvadoran economy regressed in the second quarter of the year. During the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union were heavily involved in El Salvador. Meanwhile, ordinary citizens will bear heavier tax burdens than the rich, with decreasing access to public services. Jan 23, 2025 · El Salvador underwent international scrutiny during the fourth cycle of the Universal Periodic Review by the United Nations (UN), where the state of exception, the government’s flagship security measure, sparked divided opinions. — Al cierre del año, la caída de los envíos al exterior significó el 8. Nov 16, 2023 · Específicamente, las autoridades federales de Estados Unidos señalan a “Crook” de conspiración para proporcionar y ocultar apoyo material a terroristas, conspiración para cometer actos de terrorismo que trascienden las fronteras nacionales, conspiración para financiar el terrorismo y conspiración para narcoterrorismo “en conexión Oct 10, 2024 · Si hubiera que elegir el país más seguro del continente en función de la tasa de violencia homicida, el himno que sonaría no sería el de El Salvador. May 10, 2024 · The 44 municipalities that make up the new municipal map of El Salvador began operating from May 1, 2024. ha concluido un acuerdo de refinanciamiento de $1,000 millones para El Salvador, equivalente a aproximadamente el 14% de la deuda del país, en un acuerdo que le ayudará a canalizar fondos hacia la conservación de su río más largo. — Tras el anuncio de la sexta fase del Plan de control territorial (PCT), especialistas en seguridad y trabajo de bases ven positivo invertir en la integración, pero esperan un involucramiento Sep 23, 2023 · Ranchers in El Salvador stated, “We share the sentiment of all the emotions of our colleague seeing empty pens, all the sweat and sacrifice to achieve quality, making the sad decision to sell everything because it is no longer possible to continue. — . Nov 19, 2024 · The last time the Superintendency of the Financial System (SSF) held a conference on the topic and activated the $25,000 layer was on September 17. El Salvador, [a] officially the Republic of El Salvador, [b] is a country in Central America. El aumento de los cuartos de mesón en el país refleja que la calidad Dec 17, 2024 · A source from the Colegio Médico de El Salvador (Medical Association of El Salvador) explained that these dismissals of experienced medical, nursing, logistics, administration, and other personnel occurred in at least three major metropolitan hospitals: Hospital Rosales and Bloom (specialized in pediatric care) in San Salvador, and San Rafael Nov 12, 2024 · During COP16, the Government of El Salvador demonstrated a lack of interest in protecting its biodiversity. — El gobierno podrá emitir hasta $1,900 millones en Letes si ingresos corrientes no alcanzan. — Es dinero de los trabajadores que el gobierno presta para pagar a los jubilados actuales. 5% of recorded cases. Sep 12, 2024 · El Salvador’s government is courting those who left with a program of tax exemptions on belongings and vehicles for citizens who return home. The debt burden is now greater than it was in 2020. 4%) y Panamá (3%). Feb 23, 2025 · High costs and a lack of housing have led many Salvadorans to seek alternatives. Dec 18, 2024 · De acuerdo con los datos registrados por el MTD, hasta el 7 de septiembre pasado hubo 2,250 trabajadores despedidos, entre los que figuran 450 de las alcaldías de San Salvador Centro, San Salvador Sur y La Paz Este. Over the last five years, under Nayib Bukele's administration, the debt grew at an accelerated pace, increasing by over $11 billion. — Los altos costos y la carencia de vivienda han llevado a muchos salvadoreños a buscar alternativas. 10. — Docentes denuncian que ha transcurrido más de un año desde que venció el plazo para que el gremio educativo goce de un ajuste salarial y aseguran que sus peticiones no han sido Nov 23, 2024 · A report by the Red Feminista frente a la Violencia contra las Mujeres (RED-FEM) (Feminist Network Against Violence Towards Women) confirms that the Prosecutor's Office reported 130 femicides during the 2023-2024 period and 8,984 cases of sexual violence. It was, at first, a fleeting hint, like the hesitant dawn that seems reluctant amidst so much darkness. Jan 30, 2025 · En el proyecto de decreto enviado a la Asamblea, dice que en su intento por sobrevivir las pandillas han adoptado “nuevas estrategias” como el reclutamiento de niños, niñas y adolescentes; evitando el uso de vestimenta distintiva o tatuajes que los identifiquen y, ante la reducción de ingresos por la extorsión, involucrándose en el Dec 30, 2024 · El FMS resume el 2024 como un año crítico para las escuelas públicas en El Salvador. El Movir también confirmó . The government also owes $10. 213 days later, his family was notified that he had died from a pulmonary edema. — Un balance de la Red Femeninsta frente a la Dec 20, 2024 · El único cambio fue el despido del director y docente Lorenzo Alfaro luego de haber participado en la marcha del 19 de octubre para exigir el escalafón salarial para el magisterio. Feb 6, 2024 · El Salvador now has the highest prisoner rate in the world. El mayor impacto fue por las exportaciones de maquila, que cayeron 23. — La ONU ha revisado el historial de derechos humanos de El Salvador; la sociedad civil, diversos organismos de la ONU y numerosos Estados han Nov 19, 2024 · El Salvador offered to repurchase its bonds due between 2027 and 2034 at slightly above-market prices and close to par values. — La reserva de liquidez de la banca en El Salvador aún está por debajo del nivel que tenían previo a la crisis que desató la pandemia de covid-19. — Tras el caso más reciente, defensoras y organizaciones señalan desinterés del Gobierno en la problemática. Feb 7, 2024 · Hasta las 8:20 am del lunes (hora de El Salvador), el TSE habia procesado el 70. In Nicaragua, concerns about freedom of expression stand at 90%, followed by 89% in El Salvador, 77% in Guatemala, 76% in Honduras, and 54% in Costa Rica. — El economista aseguró que el incremento en el precio de los inmuebles se vuelve "normal" en países con pocas alternativas de inversión. His capture, and expulsion to the United States to face charges, exposes the growing rift between the US and El Salvador over how to deal with top-level gang members. El Salvador’s Attorney General, Rodolfo Delgado, also praised the country’s progress. This municipal reorganization of the country was an order that President Nayib Bukele sent to the first Legislative Assembly that he controlled, through his party Nuevas Ideas, where the ruling lawmakers and their allies approved the Special Law on Municipal Restructuring without following Dec 21, 2024 · Grave human rights violations under El Salvador’s state of emergency point to a systematic, widespread pattern of state abuse that has seen thousands of arbitrary detentions, the adoption of a policy of torture in detention centres and hundreds of deaths under state custody. El que más lo hará será Guatemala (4%), seguido por Costa Rica y Nicaragua (3. This, according to experts, is a consequence of the allegations known in the U. Jan 1, 2025 · The landmark prohibition on mining in 2017, a world first, has been reversed by authoritarian leader Nayib Bukele but the move has met fierce resistance from environmentalists — La histórica prohibición de la minería en 2017, la primera en el mundo, ha sido revertida por el líder autoritario Nayib Bukele, pero la medida ha enfrentado una feroz resistencia de ambientalistas. Movir also confirmed that seven buses with prisoners arrived at CECOT. — El 17 de septiembre fue la última vez que la SSF brindó una conferencia sobre el tema y habilitó la capa de $25,000. Three months into the extension of the Special Law to Combat Inflation in El Salvador, the goals remain unachieved as confirmed by official sources. Dec 27, 2023 · The number of political prisoners or persecuted individuals has risen to more than 150 cases in the country, stated Ivania Cruz and Rudy Joya, representatives of the Committee of Political Prisoners of El Salvador (Cofappes), among them are 10 unionists, five environmentalists from the Santa Marta community, and community leaders from Bajo Lempa. Su primer impulso político es hacer que el Departamento de Estado cambie su Aviso de Viaje para El Salvador de “Nivel 3 – Reconsiderar Viaje” a “Nivel 1 – Precauciones Normales”. Oct 9, 2024 · The works being carried out at the former Cine Libertad add to those at the National Library of El Salvador (BINAES) and Jardín Centroamérica, which within less than three years resulted in the demolition of entire blocks that housed buildings protected by law. Feb 7, 2025 · Read the country information page for additional information on travel to El Salvador. If you decide to travel to El Salvador: Use major highways and roads and minimize travel outside metropolitan areas after dark. Stay current with all the latest and breaking news about El Salvador, compare headlines and perspectives between news sources on stories happening today. Desde 2019 a la fecha contabilizan 646 feminicidios en el país. rcwgp bqixvm lso luqfh ezsmvk ghzqx bymve mde mvlwfdr xmdnd htste addkmi rzlyajy rri gaz