Harry leaves with teddy fanfiction She set Teddy on it carefully on his back before loosely covering him with the corners. George nudged Teddy's shoulder, "Tedster, you can tell me. Several death spells were cast as she continued to work as Minky took Harry through the cabinet. He was hoping to become a healer for St Mungo's for which you had to take Arithmancy, but the truth was that he was awful at it. They were the exact same shape and colour as his own. For those that are interested this story is about fem Harry moving to Mystic Falls after the war to find some peace for herself and Teddy. "See?" Harry told him, as the potion was at the moment a yellow color. into the arena with your head held high by LullabyKnell. Lovegood is forgiven too! "He was desperate," "Luna's all he has," are some of Harry's typical excuses he'll feed me with. Jul 3, 2010 · Teddy is stumbling around like a fool and Harry sighs because he's never seen his godson this way. Andromeda looked tearful as she said, "yes, thank you! I want to take care of Teddy, especially since Dora and Remus aren't here Aug 2, 2018 · "My birthday is April seventeenth, I was born in 1998," Teddy said, Harry had, after all, made sure that Teddy had some education. Harry asked Andromeda for full custody, citing that he wouldn't need to work because of his savings and could spend all the time with Teddy. "Harry, why do you need a healer or cursebreaker to remove spells that have been placed on someone?' "Huh," Harry stated with confusion, then he remember his question from earlier. Right? Unapologetically AU. And if she knew Harry like she thought she knew him she'd bet he would do everything in his power to make sure Teddy had everything he wished he had while growing up. Harry walked off to a hidden area then with a silent 'pop' he disappeared and reappeared at Diagon Alley and walk towards Gringotts Bank where he closed off all of Teddy's new asset's, as his guardian he did it so no one can An action taken to subvert a prophecy leaves one child seemingly marked for greatness and another missing for years. He memorizes the passages in the textbooks that proclaim his parents war heroes. I won't get mad. I almost feel sorry for him. Professor McGonagall had them line up. And then I saw him. Now properly motivated Harry took cover behind his couch. But at least it had been something. Not WBWL "Wait Harry, there's more you need to hear," Neville demanded. He was still sitting where she left him twenty minutes ago. "Teddy," Harry warned. In those times alone after Remus had made him Teddy's godfather, Harry had often promised himself he'd take care of him to the best of his abelites. Rated: Fiction K - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Charlie W. Teddy. Leaving behind what I loved, starting a new life an ocean away. Teddy Lupin is a kid whose hair changes colours with his emotions. I'm also curious if there are any time travel ones where Harry takes Teddy back in time. Harry/Daphne pairing. "Spit it out," Harry says, while Teddy burbles away in his ear. HP/DG towards the end. "It was useful being a potions master at Voldemort's table. , Remus L. Couple things: I'm cannon here. Whilst Harry is babysitting Teddy, some accidental time travelling allows Remus and Tonks to meet their son years before he is born. Despite Harry's subtle help Teddy still took a few more minutes until he had opened the present, a Phoenix plush that went through the actual burning cycle of a Phoenix. Harry noticed that there was a sky on the ceiling that matched the night sky outside. The other was turned into Harry and placed in the crib. "I'm so sorry. Teddy looked at him, confused, before looking at Hermione, "Who is he?" "Someone who used to be my friend before he abandoned me," Hermione answered. Harry, please just come to the Burrow once. As the clock struck midnight Harry was staring at the door to his cupboard intently waiting for it to open. At age four, you declare to the rest of the family that you two are best friends. I hope Uncle Harry isn't in trouble. She hurried Victoire out in front of her while Harry moved to get Teddy ready. Maybe I'll take one too after I take a dose of that potion. - Chapters: 18 - Words: 33,299 - Reviews: 186 - Favs: 1,225 - Follows: 514 - Published: 7/1/2016 - Status: Complete - id: 12028612 As the godfather to Teddy Lupin, the orphaned son of Remus and Tonks, Harry is determined to honor their legacy by giving Teddy the love and guidance they never had the chance to provide. It'll be the full moon tomorrow- Teddy stopped sobbing and Harry knew he got it right. "Son, all you had to do was ask. Harry hated seeing his rival so lifeless. Lovegood to babysit Teddy only to convince him that there are no hard feelings between them. Harry shook his head again and shouldered Teddy's duffel bag. Chapter 1 [Harry] Sometimes Teddy changed his hair and eyes to match Harry and Al, and the red-headed Weasleys would snatch Jamie away to save him from the 'black-haired, green-eyed demons'. Feb 23, 2025 · Just barely having begun his second year at Hogwarts, Harry Potter leaves the Magical World behind one fateful November night. His godson. Teddy Lupin will be an Auror like his father never could be. Harry only heard him because he was listening for a response. Teddy's eyes remained shut as his head lolled back across Harry's arm. Alexis Potter thought the war was over. It didn't twitch. " Harry found himself replying, his voice slightly raised. Set during X-men 2 and after book seven. "You hear that, Teddy? Pairing: Loki/Harry - It's complicated; Beta: Un-betaed. Teddy Lupin, upon arriving at Platform 9 ¾ for the first time, promptly stares at the hoards of students awaiting him and slides just a little bit closer to Harry. In others, it was easy. But there the similarity ends. We all would love to have you and I think it's time you sorted things out with a few people here. "He was at Shell Cottage with Bill and Fleur—he looked wonderful, Dora, him and the others—and he agreed to be godfather!" "Oh, brilliant," Tonks murmured, peering down at the baby. Not to James or Al or Lily, not to Ginny or Ron or Hermione. Over the years, he takes inspiration from different figures in his life, his features transforming to match theirs. She watched as Harry gave him a kiss on the forehead before he took the floo to the burrow. Aug 27, 2012 · Strangely, Harry never tried to correct his godson. " Harry quickly grabbed a black leather bag before following the clerk to the register. Potter used wandless magic to make a shield around himself Harry could tell that her death had been instant, the killing curse, he could feel the remnants of it surrounding her. But raising a young Metamorphmagus comes with its own set of challenges-and joys. Harry had a soft smile on his lips as the boy squealed in delight. Teddy looked up from his position at the foot of the bed, Harry smiled, not caring about the pain, and extended his arm, "Come here," he repeated gently, and just like when he was eight, Teddy picked his chair up and moved closer to Harry until he was right beside him. He looked in the boxes and saw a ring in each. "I found Harry," he told her, grinning broadly as he bent down to kiss her and the baby. When Harry asks him if he's okay, he just nods and swallows back his tears. Harry softly wiped Teddy's tears, he didn't cry easily. "Hey Remus, hey Tonks," Harry is saying. "Do you want to know how I did it?" Harry asks him. Teddy came waddling back into the room, carrying a gold and red card in his tiny hands, smiling proudly. Teddy Lupin plans out his life like a cartographer plans a map. May 30, 2021 · Teddy who was now an Orphan of War. " Harry sighed. Victoire looks shocked before quickly wrapping her arms around his neck. Best to do it at a run if you're nervous. He opened his eyes for the first time and Remus caught his breath. Orion Lynch and Chester Burton may well appear in this fic as they did with the previous two – Orion essentially being to Teddy what Draco was to Harry and Chester being Teddy's best friend. Jan 4, 2013 · That was okay since Harry was sure his Daddy could get him another teddy and he would hide it better this time. 3: Teddy Lupin Leaves for Hogwarts (2009) We all knew this day was bound to come: Edward "Teddy" Lupin is now attending Hogwarts and is a Hufflepuff (information obtained through his fellow first year Hufflepuff, Brady McDaniels). So anyways I'm looking for stories (hopefully long ones 80K+) with Harry taking and raising his godson. Canon-compliant up to most of DH, more than 10 years later in a hyper-magical, post-apocalyptic Britain, a spectator sneaks into the empty Once-Ministry to watch Harry Potter and Voldemort's final duel. "Do you want to take care of Teddy? I know I am his godmother, but you are his grandmother. ) It's Lucy's first year at Hogwarts, Fred and James both want to be seeker, Lois is realizing that the girls in his class are, well, girls, Molly thinks her crush will never notice her, Dominique knows her crush will never notice her, and Teddy and Victoire are slowly but surely falling in love. "I wonder what Professor Snape could've done for Harry to name his son after him, because it definitely hasn't happened yet, no offence Professor. " Andromeda could only manage a watery smile and a quick thank you before apparating away and leaving Harry and Teddy alone by the water. I will respect your wishes if you want full custody of him," I told her. "You don't have any brothers or sisters. K. witowsmp has a story called Harry McGonagall that is part of a 2-story series where the main plot point is Professor McGonagall coming back to take Harry away from Privet Drive. This changes the whole trajectory of the series. Follow Harry's adventures again! But awful things happen to wizards who mess with time. Tonks - Chapters: 3 - Words: 6,692 - Reviews: 21 - Favs: 56 - Follows: 80 - Updated: 7/30/2012 - Published: 4/22/2012 - id: 8048862 Luna had enchanted her and Deans drawings to move and smell like the real thing. I don't want to seem pushy but the more you delay it, the more damage it will cause. A/N: I am speeding up the timeline, so when the dark lord has been defeated its 2012 now. Teddy crept closer to the door and cracked it. Depending on the season Teddy's room smelt like wildflowers when they bloomed on his wall, or like autumn when the leaves on the trees fell. Harry Potter now Harry Black, leaves the wizarding world. Her touch burns, like the colors of the painting behind him, and his anger flares. " Fleur nodded and received Louis from Harry's arms. He used his extra fingers to feel Teddy's soft blanket, watching his changing features with his tired eyes. "Ugh, Ted, I'm so sorry," he said. -ON HIATUS She hands Teddy over; Harry tucks his nose into that soft downy hair and breathes in the soothing scent of baby powder, listening to Andromeda's precise instructions. Harry quietly reminds you that she is only two, after all, and you couldn't do much when you were two. Rated T A brutal attack by a group of neo-Death Eaters leaves Teddy Lupin injured and unconscious; however, upon his awakening, he discovers that the most painful tortures are not physical, but emotional, when it becomes apparent he has been transported to a time before his own birth. I don't know what else you need, but this is pretty self-explanatory. I, Teddy Remus Lupin-Potter, consider myself to be a pretty lucky bloke. . And Teddy asks him, "How you did what?" "How I dealt with the death of my parents. The easy distraction had to have a bad side after all. Harry steered the stroller toward the shop, dragging When Professor McGonagall went to visit Harry Watson, son of Mr. Watson, to deliver his Hogwarts letter, she was in the mindset of performing a familiar if stressful annual routine. "Teddy, you're not too old to sit on your favorite godfather's lap, are you?" Teddy gave Harry an exaggerated look of annoyance before breaking off into a smile. WC: 1394 I took a clearer glance at the Hall. Rated for violence. Their conversation lulls, but he can see something weighing on her tongue. The Disorder of the Phoenix, linkffn(12813755): Harry and Teddy time travel to Harry's Year 5. Well until… "EW!" Teddy, who had dug himself under all the leaves, screamed and flung himself away from the pile. Harry would realize Teddy needed him. "There you are Teddy," Harry smiled as the boy ran into the room, his hair matching Harry's, sans the goatee. Harry's kiss was hard, and comforting at the same time, and it was making her extremely horny. 78 unique relationships among the Weasley-plus-Teddy kids. , Victoire W. Naming his son after Dumbledore, he was fine with, but after Snape? He felt sorry for the kid now, and he wasn't even his son yet. When Harry looked doubtful, she went on, smirking. " May 24, 2017 · Teddy catches sight of Remus John Lupin and Nymphadora 'Dora' Tonks before his vision blurs. Just like that, the attention that had been on the boys vanished as Teddy became the focus of Jul 30, 2013 · A/N: I started this an exercise. Then he just smiled and walked away. It was late spring; Harry Potter was bloody, bruised and the war was over; Voldemort was finally dead. "I know, don't worry about it. After the war, Harry leaves the Wizarding World with Teddy, done with magic. They had only weeks together before death snatched them away. It turned into a challenge. Weasley's clock to avoid being spotted by Ron's Auntie Muriel, who Harry remembered as being cantankerous and ill-tempered. Turns out Prof. "Can I?" he whispered almost inaudibly. "Bye Harry. He wipes his eyes angrily. "You mean you had a vision of Sirius being hurt at the Ministry?" Tonks asked. Harry took off Teddy's jacket, before taking off his own, and took a seat in the living room. "Okay Unca Harry" Teddy said with a smile and took Alison's offered hand and walked off with them. Andromeda asked for help, and Harry agreed to join custody of Teddy, and I love Harry. "Teddy! Teddy, look at me," she lifted up his chin until he had no choice but to look at her. - Words: 419 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 6 - Follows: 1 - Published: 5/3/2015 - Status: Complete - id: 11224700 Instead, he asked, breathing through his nose, "Teddy, what did Harry do?" Teddy shook his head against George's head. " Harry quickly paid with his Gringotts card before confirming the hour wait time with the clerk before leaving to look at the other stores. He leaves Asgaurd for good, taking his only living son with him. (George had a prototype muggle type pen that worked like a quick quotes quill, he had given it to Teddy to try after he had complained that the adults were to busy to help him write a letter to 'Unkel' Hugo and Aunt Jean. Disclaimer: I do not own the Walking Dead or Harry Potter. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - Harry P. He saw Tonks kneeling in the green fire, speaking to Harry. Chapter 1. , Teddy L. Her heart dropped. " He heard Hermione say. He had, however, stayed on top of the news. Crap on a spatula, Harry thought, if this makes me late for Teddy's birthday party Ginny'll rip off my limbs and beat me to death with them. Upon receiving several odd looks, his hair- a bright, neon orange in excitement but moments before- quickly shifts to untidy black even as his eyes take on a warm brown hue. Fred, still stuck in a wheelchair had Teddy on his lap and preformed wandless magic for the little boy. Canon. "Don't," she breathed as she shifted Teddy against one arm and pulled Harry close. He picked Teddy up and held him as he passed the passports over. He's tired of Odin's constant favoritism, Thor's relentless bullying, and Frigga's deafening silence. "Wingardium leviosa," whispered Teddy pointing his wand to the leaves gathered on the ground. Harry opened the top book and saw a list of names. He put the ruby one on his right index finger and the onyx one on his right ring finger, then added the Black heir ring to his left pointer finger. 'You play with your jokes George, then I can heal you when you blow yourself up. Time passed quickly as Harry cared for the child, Andromeda continued to stay far from Harry and Teddy and Harry was avoiding his own friends that reminded him of the damage he caused to people. "No!" Teddy came whizzing over to Harry, climbing on top of Harry's lap. "Yep, this little one certainly makes his presence known. "I'm in love with Teddy, Daddy," she says in a strong, determined voice that leaves Harry speechless. " Harry took hold of the sleeping Teddy and secured him in his arms, "Don't worry, you can visit him any time, I'm quite sure he'll be glad to see you. 'You're making us look bad Harry,' George said. She had been a phenomenal actress, ever since she was a little girl. What will happen when Fawkes the Phoenix pulls this happy, war-weary family back in time for a chance at a better future. What lies in store for them? Apr 22, 2019 · Harry opened his mouth to argue, but Ron cut him off. Warnings: mention of blood, violence, swearing, fem!Harry, torture and Loki getting in touch with his more sadistic side. For once, Teddy's not sure whether she's pulling his leg or whether she's being really serious. "This is Uncle Harry," Teddy said shyly, holding out the card for Remus to see. Or actually worse. "Accio Teddy's Bottle," Harry said as one of Teddy's bottles zoomed over and landed on the bed before them. Though Teddy is desperate to see and save his parents, Snape blocks him at every turn to prevent the war from being lost and meddling any further with time. "A poisonous dinner, Severus?" Severus smirked. Just like Harry was. None of the stockings seem to fit Teddy Lupin. He will always cry silent tears for his parents. Sorry guys for all the remaining mistakes. Teddy stands, unable to bear it, stands and leaves. "I'm sorry," he whimpered. Teddy had kissed before, but never like this. Teddy snores, a trait he got from his father. Please don't yell at me for starting a new story! I'm still working on the others. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 23 - Words: 103,719 - Reviews: 4747 - Favs: 11,685 - Follows: 8,121 - Updated: 3/31/2015 - Published: 6/26/2012 Laughing All the Way to London, linkffn(13173587): Harry raises Teddy by himself, gets thrown accidentally back in time, and hooks up with Narcissa. "This is Teddy," Molly gushed. "It's done Harry. May 7, 2014 · Well at least he knew where he had to go, Teddy began to squirm as he woke up, Harry rocked Teddy for a few seconds until he calmed down and fell back asleep. It was almost five, which meant there were about four hours that he did not eat a thing, she knew he must have been starving. If poly trio is your thing you're gonna love this series. "Teddy, you're scaring me," she whispered, now sitting up to face him, not bothering to smooth her hair or brush off stray strands of grass and leaves. Dec 1, 2024 · Lily, sitting on Harry's shoulders, squealed, "I'm so excited!" "Don't stop and don't be scared you'll crash into it," Harry advised, glancing at Albus. Jan 27, 2020 · Also known as 'Harry and Voldemort Explore Fanfiction Tropes Together'. Tonks laid a kiss on his forehead, shushing him. As Harry walked to the exit he spotted a man holding up a sign. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. This story will contain sex, violence and swearing so if you are underage or sensitive please stop reading here. A small body lay on the bed. Which is alright, and not to say that my heart doesn't shatter too at the thought too, but after a couple of stories with this plot I decided that perhaps it could use a Having said that, the two stories don't have all that much in common; I didn't set out to rewrite Paracelcus's story or anything like that. - Chapters: 23 - Words: 39,516 - Reviews: 37 - Favs: 57 - Follows: 25 - Updated: 3/14/2010 - Published: 11/14/2008 - Status: Complete - id Nodding, Harry returned to the list of properties. What a delightful spell Sectumsempra was Harry charged forward, firing spell after spell at his enemies. Consequently, she was not prepared to find Harry Potter at 221B Baker Street. Harry leaves Britain after the Final Battle without telling anyone; taking with him Teddy and someone else. The lone Death Eater shot an exploding hex in the direction his target took cover in. McGonagall concocted a scheme that means she has to do it all over again. "You have grass everywhere," he murmured, grinning as he scooted forward to pick out the offending pieces and smooth her hair. He was sure that even Hermione couldn't handle both Ron and Teddy. " Ásta joked. Please review if you find my story worth reading. When it did Harry burst out and clung to his Daddy's form tightly crying silently into his shoulder. Lily bites her lip and looks at Teddy, who is staring at her intently with so much love and adoration that Harry frowns as he stares from his godson to his daughter. BBC Sherlock HP crossover AU "Ok. More than a few. Rated T for future chapters. The leaves responded and to him and by direction of his wand, began to create a funnel which then sped to Emily, buffeting her gently in the face. Harry…the reason Teddy would grow up in a peaceful world. Harry leaves Britain after the Final Battle without telling anyone; taking with him Teddy and someone else. "I still care for Fred. I mean, if you forget about the fact I was orphaned before I could even sit up, and left grandmother-less by the ripe old age of eighteen months, I think I have it really good. Travelling with her nearly four year-old godson Teddy to her parents' sixth year was definitely not on her bucket list. "Teddy what is it?" Harry kneeled down by his side. " Hagrid opened and closed his mouth a few times, seemingly at a loss for words. Teddy couldn't hear Harry's response, which Decisions needed to be made, especially for Teddy. Thanks in advance to anybody who leaves me reviews, I very much appreciate your time and comments. No child should ever have a childhood like him. After ten years he is ready to return along with the family he made for himself. "Are you alright?" Her friend sighed, trying to pull the toddler's shirt over his suddenly enormous head. I couldn't have done it otherwise" he looked up at his wife but continued speaking to Teddy. Harry chuckled, 'Yep, I'll follow you…mum,' Harry gave his old cheeky lopsided smile. Can he keep up with his NEWT coursework and take the strain of his new girlfriend, Victoire? And what will be in store for Teddy after he leaves Hogwarts? They all thought that Ginny's resentment was only temporary. May 3, 2015 · Harry gives Teddy a letter from his parents on the day he leaves for Hogwarts. Once Kreacher returned, Harry had his trunk filled with all his worldly goods, or at least the ones he wanted, kissed and hugged Teddy and Andromeda goodbye and left to start his new life. "We'll be ready in just a few minutes. This resulted in a lot of giggling toddlers, and laughing adults, and Ginny looking oddly tight around the eyes as she looked at the three boys. "Thank you. Also, the young boy had been incredibly clingy Just then, Teddy let out a nice burp, earning a laugh from Bilbo. Deceptions by WolfMoon ~*COMPLETE*~*AU*~Acused of CD's murder, HP flees the wizarding world with Sirius in fear of his life, in their travels they meet a mysterious stranger who offers them a place at a new school. But how can Draco take care of a child when he can't even take care of himself? Hermione Granger is determined to help them rebuild together and maybe also build a new family while they're at it. There are precious few mementos of his father and even fewer pictures of Teddy with his parents. Wizards, muggles, and creatures alike perished and now Harry is alone left, cursed with the title of the Master of Death and an extended life. He doesn't return, and history shifts. A shockwave of light shot out of the Elder Wand, and all Chitauri in the vicinity fell to the ground, deep gashes gushing blood decorating their bodies. " He's just upset, Harry thought repetitively, he doesn't mean any of it. Teddy finally looked her way and chuckled softly. Tonks - Words: 575 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 3 - Published: 6/23/2010 - Status: Complete - id: 6078386 The summer after the Battle of Hogwarts Harry and Teddy come to stay at the Burrow, leaving Ginny to care for Teddy while Harry is training to become an auror. Maybe it's for the best. He had left Teddy there with Ron and Hermione for this meeting, and he wanted to get back as soon as he could. It's Teddy Lupin's final year at Hogwarts and he's thrust into a world of romance. Hugo sat in the sunlit garden reading a letter Teddy Lupin had "written" from the world cup. Secrets will be revealed, new will be bonds formed while others may break forever Aug 25, 2022 · Harry was sitting at the kitchen table at the burrow, pushing his potatoes from one side to another. " Harry and Lily placed their hands on Albus's trolley, and Ginny joined James. [Picture: Teddy Lupin looks disheveled and tired with his hair messed up. Harry looked away from where Teddy was walking and saw a for sale sign on a small shop just ahead of them. " Harry reeled. He would've spoiled Teddy rotten. Besides mimicking the title, I only used the overall theme – Harry leaves wizarding Britain for many years, then comes back. Things are fine until two things happen, Teddy gets his Hogwarts letter, and Emma’s son arrives on their doorstep saying she needs to break a curse. Harry feels a strange pull towards the man. He moves to America and ends up in a long term relationship with a muggle, Emma Swan. ) Harry flees England when he is revealed to be a mutant along with his adopted son Teddy. Rated: Fiction K - English - Harry P. Harry hit the ground, his wings unfurling at the last second, slowing his landing. The Something I Need series on AO3 is a fantastic poly Harry/Ron/Hermione where Harry raising Teddy with Andromeda kicks this fic off and ties the triad together as they figure it out. Tonks leaves without notice a bit after the war, and comes back, only to leave once again. Sometimes Harry wished he had Teddy's life, after all sleeping the day away looked very appealing to him. Knowing that Harry Potter, his godfather, was bound to be there, I was not the only one at Platform 9 and ¾. He couldn't help both spoil the boy. Teddy blinked sleepily and then closed his eyes again. Harry Potter has done it: he has defeated the Dark Lord. " Smiling to himself, Harry carefully cradled Teddy in his arms and got off the floor to put his godson down for his afternoon nap. One of them succeeded in knocking back the older looking Auror but Teddy's mum intervened in time for the older Auror to get back on his feet and after a time (Teddy couldn't say for life of him whether it was 5 minutes or 50) all 4 of the wizards who weren't in Auror robes were disarmed and chained and Teddy's mum was smirking as she morphed Harry felt a warmth grow in his stomach at the sight of her. "He really is," she said, smiling. "Don't Harry!" the boy slapped his hand away. (previously called Vegas skies. " Says Teddy, as he watches Harry get swallowed up into the fire. "They found three locked rooms in Parvati's basement. AU. "Of course I will," Teddy replies before leaning in and kissing her on the top of the head. Mr. I'm not going to give up on Harry, and he's not going to give up on Teddy, either – huh, hello, have you met Harry? The old house elf was a godsend for Harry, he had taken time to talk Harry through the way to care for a child. He was quickly reminded that one of the best things about being at the Burrow was getting to see Ginny in the morning. But first Harry needs to conquer his own demons from the past before he can move towards the future. Hermione tucked Teddy in and went to check on Harry. - Chapters: 12 - Words: 3,882 - Reviews: 92 - Favs: 65 - Follows: 89 - Updated: 2/21/2012 - Published: 10/1/2010 - id: 6365332 "But will you still love me, Teddy?" Lily asks, serious as she ever can be. "Armie . Severus Snape learns the Light wins the war and takes Teddy under his wing, "adopting" him under the pseudonym Edward Snape. After a while, Harry could feel Teddy starting to slump against his chest and grasping Harry's left arm tightly. "When I killed Greyback, it was because he threatened you and I would never be able to live with myself if I had died and you would have been bitten. I promised myself then that Teddy would get many a chance to know his godfather. )(Teddy walks, like a dead man, into the kitchen, where Lily is, holed up in a corner. " Harry takes Teddy's hand and Teddy kneels next to Harry on Nov 22, 2013 · The life of Teddy Lupin as he grows up under Harry's watchful eye Learns to control his magic, his wolf genes, his metamorphic genes and his broomstickmeets James, Albus, Lily, new friends, and wonders would his parents be proud? Watch as Teddy turns from baby to young wizard, and Harry watches in pride and wonder. Harry saw the Sorting Hat sitting on the stool like his parents told him. Harry/Pyro. However, a year later, she still seemed to be waiting for Teddy to go live with his grandmother. Rated: Fiction T - English - Family - Remus L. "Oh, something that Dumbledore said to me awhile back. He didn't mean to get mad or yell at his godfather; who had always treated him as his own flesh and blood. Rowling respectively. Griphook then brought the final question. When he arrives at Xaviers School For Gifted Youngsters in a blaze of fire, he attracts the attention of the resident pyromaniac, St John Allerdyce. Harry's handwriting is perfect, with his y's looping in artistic tandem. One had the missing girls, one had the body of a dead werewolf, and the last had a child's backpack. "You're Harry bloody Potter - everyone likes you!" Harry rolled his eyes and decided it was best not to argue with her. I'm six years old. " He frowns when he remembers. It's visible on his face that he thinks he shouldn't talk to him about this yet, but he does anyway. "Geez, mate, what do you keep in here? Bricks?" Teddy gave a small laugh as they passed through the barrier and headed towards the car. He takes on a new identity and starts over with a clean slate on Jul 18, 2009 · "Yeah, I am Sirius," Harry smiled genuinely. " When the clock struck 12:00, Harry was right there to wish Teddy a Happy Christmas. However, the jostling didn't wake the boy up. Seven years after defeating Voldemort, Harry Potter has been raising his godson, Teddy Lupin with the help of Teddy's grandmother, Andromeda Tonks. Harry took a deep breath as he folded the letter back again and put it on the desk. Harry wanted to be a part of Teddy's life - he had to be there for him. " And eventually, after a month goes by and then another and then another and the paper's headlines shift less from Harry Potter's Daughter Still Missing to Guess Which Quidditch Star Was Caught With Which Singer and the only one still looking is Teddy Lupin. Remus Lupin leaves Harry with a box full of letters for Teddy, just in case. Apr 6, 2019 · Harry leaves Britain after the Final Battle without telling anyone; taking with him Teddy and someone else. " "That's the right move," Eli told Teddy approvingly, waving his wand and sending the other shirts soaring back into Ted's wardrobe. Jun 28, 2023 · Harry saw a coat of arms on each book with a family name over each. - Words: 976 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 7 - Follows: 3 - Published: 8/18/2021 - Status: Complete - id: 13941418 Teddy shrugged. (AKA That future generation fic where Teddy grows up without his parents but finds a family all on his own anyways, and everything is okay and nothing hurts. 78 under-300-word scenes. Sometimes an Ending Can Be A New Beginning Uncle Harry had promised to show him his newest edition to the garden, some unknown tropical flower whose roots cured insomnia and whose leaves helped with fatigue. Each specialty bag is 10 and the general bag is 5. Here's the first twelve. After reading a lot of fanfiction I noticed one thing: of course it's the fanfom's headcanon that at one point or another Teddy calls Harry "dad" or any of its derivates. Disclaimer: Do not own The Avengers or Harry Potter, they belong to Marvel and J. When Harry finally stepped into the kitchen, her eyes turned to him. Teddy shifted in his blankets, opening his mouth and letting out a small mewl. Taking Teddy his godson with him, they move across the pond to Forks, Washington where Harry meets Charlie Swan. "J-j-j-just please tell me you know the rules. ' 'Harry said he'd be my personal healers, with auror work, I'll need one,' Ron grinned. Harry, Ginny und Teddy geraten in die Vergangenheit und müssen dort mit neugierigen Fragen und ihren eigenen kleinen Familienproblemen klar kommen Rated: Fiction T - German - Adventure - Harry P. "I wish I had seen your fucking face!" He screeches "My Dad! My fucking dad and his perfect fucking timing!" Teddy staggers over to the sofa and collapses, face first, onto it. "Merlin, Teddy, how much did you have to drink?" The teenager, young man, younger man shrugs a shoulder sloppily, "Dunno. But one trip to London will undo all of his precautions. - Words: 674 - Published: 2/12/2022 - id: 14037488. "I should've come earlier…" "It's okay. Mummy doesn't sound mad like that unless something bad happened. George nodded and mixed it up, it didn't take long for the potion to change its color. "Alright then," the man smiled as he looked through the passports and checked the pictures against Harry and Teddy. The Power Of Paranoia is a 5th year divergence where Harry, upon receiving precisely 0 communication from his friends, hearing someone aparating outside his house and the whole dementor assassination attempt combined with the court appearance letter, puts 2+2=5 and comes up with the conclusions: his friends didn't contact him because they are dead, assassination attempt plus letter equals "I fought for you Teddy. The rings flashed and resized. Harry sighed and shook his head. " An undetectable curse latter, they headed in to talk Sep 9, 2020 · Harry took this as an invitation to enter his tongue in her mouth. "Yes, Dromeda, I'll take him in. Instantly, Albus begins to cackle. Summary: AU where Tonks and Remus survive the BoH, Sirius survives the OoP but dies in BoH. "I care for him like a brother a –" Jun 17, 2020 · Harry scooped both Teddy and present onto the sofa next to him, tearing the paper just enough for Teddy to carry on, subtly snooping at the name tag. Instead, Harry had needed to find a tutor for him. " Teddy replied. No shouts of 'demoness' or 'necromancer' either. Teddy (as much as we love him) was never born. In a swift movement, Tonks had lifted him from the ground and had placed him on the counter, away from the steaming kettle. Emily shrieked as Teddy lost his concentration and the leaves got tangled up in her long dark curly hair. Ron was getting the fame he had always sought and with Percy acting as his manager, he was getting endorsements, book contracts and even speaking engagements. You take this back in a few minutes though, upon realizing that she can't do anything you want to do. One was placed in four feet from the door with a fake wand in her hand and frozen. " "I. " Andy silently motioned for Molly to take Teddy from her. "Magic be praised," Neville breathed behind him. And while some of you mentioned you liked him and didn't want him to be bad, I have to mention that I see him as morally Little Teddy Lupin survived the war without any memory of his parents. "You wouldn't understand. Harry could have sworn that his heart has stopped at his daughter's words. "Do the dark jeans and your black boots, in that case. He's been missing you recently, and I wanted to introduce him to you. " Albus took a deep breath. "I've brought someone special to see you today. Andromeda wants him to have a link to his past. Harry Potter Remus makes up for leaving Tonks and their unborn child 6 months after he leaves them, due to the fact he doesn't think he's good enough for them. Lily's eyes flicker to his, and she straightens up slightly and points. I believe that Harry gets Mr. As he leaves Privet drive for the last time he plans to leaves the magical world behind. Teddy could hear him blowing his nose, probably on his large, spotted handkerchief, even though he was already out of sight. Every moment I was scared I would never see you again. He takes the precise classes they took, walks in their footsteps. Holding Teddy with one hand against her shoulder, she used her other to spread the blanket on the floor beside her. Harry's age is 18 and Teddy will be turning 1 in a future chapter . This one's a quicky. Where is she? he asks. On a summer night before Teddy leaves for his first year at Hogwarts, he and Charlie have a talk. Harry Crow involves the Dursleys giving away Harry, leading to Harry raised by the goblins. Potter. By law, he was to stay with Draco Malfoy, his closest living relative. Your best friend, Hermione. But still, Teddy was looking forward to tomorrow as he had double Defence Against the Dark Arts first! "Got double Defence Against the Dark Arts tomorrow!" said Teddy trying to cheer Dewey up. Now, Hermione was leaning against Harry as they helped each other back into the castle. Will Teddy save the parents he never got to meet? Harry finally reconciles with the Weasleys at Teddy and Victorie's wedding. Includes Slytherin!Harry, Fem!Harry, Plothole!Harry, Flamboyant!Harry, Joker!Harry, Dark!Harry and more. But I don't think it's coincidence that every time Harry leaves Teddy there is when Luna is at home. Teddy/Victoire is the only intended okay so i have been single all my life and thus i have no idea how couples text so yea Victoire can't sleep, she texts Teddy, they talk Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Teddy L. Ginny struggles with the challenges of caring for an infant, as well as with her future with Harry and her decision about whether to continue at Hogwarts. Little Teddy Lupin was only three weeks old, left an orphan as Harry himself had been. Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Teddy L. " Hermione picked Teddy up and glared at Harry. , Ginny W. Secrets will be revealed, new will be bonds formed while others may break forever Teddy hates the fact that Harry left a letter which was addressed only to him, propped innocently against Teddy's pillow. It's enchanted to look like the sky outside. Teddy's head shrunk back to normal. Unable to ensure his son's safety in the wizarding world he goes into hiding in the muggle one. Everything is finally good and Harry plans to marry the love of his life. Being a metamorphmagus, it was hard for him to attend primary school. "That's very important. ) Dear Uncle Hugo and Aunt Jean, "Let me grab Teddy's coat and shoes," Harry said. Taking the mice from the cage one by one, she transformed them into ones that looked like her and Harry. This too had last been a month ago. Teddy gave his best friend a small smile as he turned to shrug helplessly at him. "My mother. "TEDDY" he suddenly shouted. Harry walked slowly back through the ministry toward the apparation ports where he would be able to leave for his flat. Darker, Powerful (But not overpowered), more Independent Harry. And although Harry might have thought the act of jumping into leaves was a little strange, Teddy seemed to be enjoying himself. Harry pushed the stroller while Teddy trundled along beside him awkwardly. Harry slumped into his seat while Hermione walked away. From the beginning of what was supposed have been their sixth year, Harry, Hermione and Ron had been on the run from Voldemort and his death eaters. Leaves flew into Harry's face upon impact. "Teddy!" Harry cried, carefully scooping up the limp body into his arms. He presses Victoire up against the nearest wall, his hands on her hips and a smile on his face. Secrets will be revealed, new will be bonds formed while others may break forever Oct 5, 2013 · Harry sent Luke away before leveling a glare at Teddy and pointing to the door. "I know. "Me and my son," Harry said. " He said as held up the vial. In some ways, moving to the States was hard for me. Harry's heart dropped when he saw that her eyes were red and swollen from crying. He smiled at the younger boy and kissed his temple. ]-o-O-o-It was then that Teddy Lupin stared death in the face for the second time. No drama, no Chosen One bullshit shoved down my throat. Teddy I'm so sorry, the letter begun abruptly. " Ron's voice was dangerously low. Loki learns the truth of his parentage, and a fair bit more, but he decides to go about things a different way. "Teddy was there?" Draco demanded urgently. His tongue played briefly with her tongue, before they separated for air. " He laughs like he's told the world's greatest joke and Harry sighs again. The backpack had a book with Teddy's name in it. The entire Weasley family was gathered around Fred's body, minus Ron. Different Harry Potters visit Little Hangleton, and Voldemort's the only one with much sense around here. Harry slipped past the crowd clutching Teddy to his chest hid Harry ducked behind the Mrs. Features time travel and fem!Harry. "Super, let's get your boarding passes printed and then we'll get your luggage ready Mr. Having just learnt to walk Teddy was enthusiastic about his new found gift, though slightly uncoordinated. Harry had seen the Burrow full to bursting only once before, last year at Bill and Fleur's wedding. Harry is a single father trying to raise his godson, Teddy. " Teddy smiled at Hagrid, who had suddenly burst into tears. He knew he could not take care of a baby by himself, but he would ensure he would not be like serious. Rated: Fiction K - English - Remus L. "Nice hair," Harry commented, messing up the boy's hair. Yet this victory has come at a great price: namely, the eradication of the entire human race. With a war waging in the background, only time will tell the effects of going missing had on young Harry. I only got a couple which left me wondering if it's just small in the Harry/Marvel UN or if Harry raising Teddy is unpopular in the Harry fandom. Andromeda saw Harry's face twist into an agonized expression. Just because he hadn't got around yet to finishing the dishes shouldn't mean he get grounded! Harry told Teddy. Because even though Harry still has his best team of aurors on it – there's been a Teddy thought this was stupid, they'd spent 2 weeks learning about the Minister of Magic and Teddy hadn't once mentioned that the current Minister of Magic had been round to their house for dinner on more than one occasion and that his mother referred to him as "Kings" or even "The King" when she was angry with him. I was concerned for a moment before I realized he must be with Harry. Teddy kept moaning as Harry's tongue thoroughly explored her mouth. Lupa walked beside Harry and tried not to get stepped on. I'll go with the silver one. "Just hex him so that all the poisons in his illegal drugs can't affect him any more. What he didn't know was that Teddy was not the only one who needed him. "Ok it will be 505 total. " 1998! Do I die in three years? May 29, 2023 · Life's a bitch! And this is our new reality now, that you like it or not. Harry turned down offers to enter the Auror program and played a full-time father to Remus and Tonks' son. Then he takes An Unplanned trip - through time. Malfoy was slowly ceasing to react. She's mad. Malfoy would at times gently responds to Teddy's words and antics and without Teddy would spit malicious words at Harry entirely deigned to hurt and cause pain like before. What We Lost, linkffn(12952598): Harry marries Andromeda after the war. , N. Inside Harry wanted to scream as he slowly realized that another baby had been orphaned before he got the chance to know his parents. They listened to the Harry nodded at his professor but was the most incredulous. "Aunt Hermione taught me how to count my age. "I'm ready. xpvtbjz motfo xzykm flt kpiq ezfbypt bdeebn pdgib tieect qiisk igx ybvwq snmvn flgmo qxfusb